8: Age what?

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     Brodie's Pov:
I open my eyes... again. It's funny how much sleep I've been getting here. I sit up and look at the tall man who has been carrying me around, talking with that dumb lady who... wait a minute. I jump up and run over, ready to strangle her to death. She hurt my friend, I'll kill her!! He's about all I have left, even if I haven't known him all that long!!
     I run over, about to punch her before being lifted up by the grey eyed man. I grumble and glare at the ground, yet he just smiles at me. This was all still much to stressful for me.
     "Hey, awake already Bro?" He smiles softly. Bro, he's shorted my name Brodie to Bro... it was kinda dumb but what else can I do about it?
     "What do you mean already?" I say as I feel something fall out of my mouth... wait I had something in there in the first place?
     He chuckles softly and bends down, grabbing the thing that fell out. It was a light green pacifier, like the color of a wet leaf with the sun shining on it.
     The emotions came as a mix to me, confusion being the main one with anger, frustration curiosity and nervousness. I'm a twenty three year old man, who had a pacifier in my mouth. I'm not even that short, I'm about five foot teen and a half, so how would I be mistaken for a child? Are all these enemy soldiers way over six feet? This man Sure was.
     "Bro, you're spacing out on me again." He smiles and bounces me a bit, causing me to shake my head and look up at him. Sometimes I do tend to get to collected in my own thoughts and be a bit spacey.
     "Uh, Sorry... also, why the hell was that in my mouth?" I ask in a collected tone.
     He simply laughs softly and sticks it back in my mouth. "You relaxed a lot with it in, I think we should let it stick in, don't you?"
     I shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes. It doesn't matter either way, Jono isn't here to see.
"Anyway, as I was saying I think by doing this age play thing, we could kind of restart their lives, and it would just be nice to see them happy..." he gently tickles under my chin causing me to squirm a bit and push it away. Age play? Oh gosh... that doesn't sound good. Restart our lives? I'm already scared.
I take the pacifier out of my mouth. "Y-you can't do anything to us! You're-" The man pushes the pacifier back into my mouth. Clay is his name, right? Ugh!! He continues on, ignoring me as if I'm some basic child that nobody wants to hear from!!
"I'm not sure about all of this Clay, it's happening a bit fast and the head of the military wouldn't be okay with it for sure! How about you go ask that dumb nurse more about this anyway?" She sighs and looks at me.
     I blush and look down, embarrassed that I didn't even notice that I was sucking away on the pacifier. I stop and just hold it in my mouth, staring at them.
Clay starts to run his fingers through my hair, which at this point is wicked greasy. I felt disgusting. "Hmm... we can talk later, my little man needs a bath." He smiles. "I think I'll try it out a bit, and I'll give you some feedback... maybe we don't even have to tell the head if we can keep this secret!"
She shakes her head quickly. "Clay! There is no way we can-"
Clay carries me to his little bathroom and shuts the door before she could finish. I hear her grumble and walk off before looking up at Clay. "Well...?"
"Yes?" He smiles softly and takes the pacifier out of my mouth, setting it aside and running some warm bath water, checking the temperature before clogging the plug of the bath.
     "Well when do I get to see Jono and what is age play? Why do I keep falling asleep and, and-" he sticks the pacifier back in my mouth and chuckles softly.
     "Just relax, little one. Let's get this bath nice and warm for you. Don't worry about anything, because Daddy's gonna keep you safe." He undresses me and sets me in the tub of warm water, adding bubbles and grabbing shampoo.
     Daddy, huh? This is not going to go as planned...

Hey y'all, as usual, thank you all for reading!! I might make a book just for my life at times when I feel like writing in it, thoughts? Also don't be afraid to
Message me whenever, I get extra bored during summer lol.

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