19: Her Type

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Vicky's Pov:
     I kick rocks in front of me as I walk from the medic center, listening to all the yelling and gunshots. I would occasionally flinch at the louder ones, sighing sadly to myself. Had I really forgotten what war was like? I was in battle before I was assigned this task. Men... they're all so stupid.
    I remember when our supposed 'boss' asked me out on a date in high school... that's most likely the reason why he's being so awful to me now. He's always been a terrible person...


"Hey Vick." A strangely flirtatious voice comes towards me... once again. These boys were getting out of hand. There were so many other girls in the school, why couldn't they just go after those that want a boyfriend? The boys at school were not the type I was looking for. They were all... just so-
     "Let's Go out some time, Hmm?" He smirks and grabs my hand, giving it a small smooch. I gag and quickly draw my hand back, glaring up at him.
     "What do you want?" I glare, emphasizing the 'you'. I wasn't sure how many men I would have to reflect before they would understand I just wasn't into anyone at the school.
     "Come on Vick. We both know what I want,"  he smirks and grabs onto my whole body, pulling my close. The book I was holding feel down to the floor.
     I glare more and began to squirm a bit, glaring up at him. "No. You better stop it!"
     He smirks. "And why should I? We both know what I want... we both also know I get what I want." He laughs and pushes me up against the wall, forcing his mouth onto mine. I let out a scream and suddenly kick him in the stomach, causing for him to fall into the ground.
     The entire room went silent... everyone was in shock, including me. I look down at him with eyes just as wide as his. There were many strange things to this situation that many people didn't expect. The first part being that I rejected him... and the second part being that I knocked him down. I shake my head, letting go of the thought as I quickly grab my book that had fallen to the floor and start to speed walk away to my next class.
The angry boy growls and yells after me. "I'll get you someday, you little prick!! Yeah! Vick the Prick!!" He yells and began to chant. "Vick the Prick! Vick the Prick! Vick the Prick!"
Before I knew it, the majority of the people in the room were chanting along with him. "Vick the Prick, Vick the Prick, Vick the Prick."
     All of that, just because I denied going on a date with him. Being a girl in this day in age, where men dominate most of everything was hard. They made our calls for us... which I was hated. The fact that he thought he could just grab me like that and have me to him like some sort of object... I couldn't stand. I like control. I need control.
I had always been the leader type of person. Whenever I was with my friends, (all of which being girls,) I found myself leading the group. No mater what the situation may be. Scheduling, being the judge of an argument, things of that sort. I couldn't really help myself and my controlling ways. It felt
much better to constantly be in charge... and to know that you are the one to care for so many people... it felt good. I like caring for people. A lot.


I run into the military base, passing by a few soldiers as I quickly made it into my room. I slam the door open and looks around for a moment... staring at the picture in front of me.
There, sat Jono in the lap of the tall solider, who was in a rocking chair, reading him a book. 'Time For Bed by Mem Fox and Illustrated by Jane Dyer.' That was my absolute favorite book growing up. My mother used to read it to me every night.
Jono looks up at me, clearly half asleep. He seemed to wake up a little as he smiled widely and reached up for me. "Mommy...!" He says with as much excitement as he could with his... little enthusiasm.
I smile gently and walk over, picking him up and holding him close. "Hi there little one... I'm so sorry for leaving..." I coo a soft bit. I had been gone for a good two hours, surprisingly.
The small boy giggles a little and rests his head against my neck. "Mommy... that's my
New friend." He smiles a bit who points at the solider.
The tall, serious looking man stood up and looks down at the two of us, giving us each a little nod before he quickly left the room.
"What was his name... honey?" I ask, knowing he might come in handy for future references.
"Mr. Ethan..." he yawns again. "He's super wicked nice Momma... you are all super wicked nice..." he cuddles into me, shutting his eyes.
I smile a bit. "What do you mean you all?" I use a soft tone yet see that he was already asleep. I let out a gentle, relieved sigh and crawl into bed, setting him beside me. I felt different with him. He wasn't demanding or anything... just really sweet and relaxed. I won't lie when I say I was enjoying this whole 'Mommy' thing. Jono was quickly adjusting to it. I didn't want to disappoint him.
I gentle run my fingers through his hair, reaching next to the bed and grabbing a pacifier. I slip it into his mouth and stare at him for a moment. His beautiful jet black hair was brushed into a little side wave, which I loved to mess up and then fix. He didn't seem to notice as he continued to sleep. I smile a little. I knew the 'boss', as we were supposed to call him, did all of this to get revenge on me. He knew me as too motherly in high school... and once he saw me a rank below him, he quickly took the chance to move me down. Down to where I am now... but I'm seeing this as more of an upgrade.
Instead of gaining my glory on the battlefield, I'm gaining many more things here with my assigned little boy than I would as a solider.
Jono stretches a bit more and moves his body into mine, cuddling into my side for warmth. I smile, not caring how dirty I was as I embrace it, pulling him close and pulling the blankets over us.
I give him one last look before planting a small kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight little one... Mommy loves you..."
     Perhaps the second time felt even better than the first...


Hey Everyone! It's been such a long time!! Thank you for reading and being patient with me! Let me know what you think of this chapter! Byeeeee! ❤️❤️❤️

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