14: Punishments

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          Clay's Pov:
I gently rub Brodie's back and rock him in my arms as he screams and punches at me. He probably is scared with all of this... I did overhear a little of what he said. Something about our plan. He probably thinks this is fake. I can't ask him about it, I don't want him to know I was listening. I want him to feel safe and comfortable with me. I could just speak with him about all of this...
It's all confusing. I continue rocking him and stick a pacifier in his mouth. "We can talk once you've calmed down sweetie... shhh..." I smile softly as he becomes to tired to fight and cry. I lay his head against my shoulder and kiss his forehead, which to my luck, makes the fighting much worse.
Vicky looks over and glares at me. "Can you calm him down? You know, if he misbehaves like that you can punish him."
I shake my head as he throws a big punch into my stomach. I wheeze. "He's had enough pain in his life, he's missing an arm for crying out loud!"
Vicky shakes her head and groans. "He's still got a good one, and he has now hurt your nose, stomach, and many other places." She sets Jono down and walks over to us, snatching him and sitting down.
She throws Brodie over her knee and starts spanking his padded bottom. "I want you to count twenty!!" She growls after the ten he didn't count. "Afterward you'll sit on your sore bottom in the corner and think about how you've hurt your daddy!!"
Brodie cries and kicks. "Stop It you jerks!! We know your plan!!"
She rolls her eyes. "Plan? You think we have some dumb plan? You really are an idiot. The more you don't count the more you'll have to take." She Spanks his bottom more, getting more screams and sobs from him.
"I'll never surrender to you!! Never!!" He keeps screaming.
It was hard to watch. I bite my lip and feel something wrap around my leg. I look down to see Jono hugging it and whimpering. He must be scared of Vicky. She's getting too violent. "It's okay baby... I can make it stop now..." I walk over and grab Vicky's arm, holding Jono in my other.
"That's enough. You're scaring your own baby..." she looks up at me and rolls her eyes, carrying Brodie to the corner and setting him down.
"Since you didn't count twenty Spanks, you'll have twenty minutes here." She walks over and goes to grab Jono.
I hold him away and shake my head. "He will have ten minutes in the corner, and I will be holding your baby until you calm down, and Brodie's time is up. You've scared him to death and expect me to simply hand him back?"
She glares at me a moment before walking out of the room. I sigh softly and look down at the small solider in my arms. He held onto my one arm tightly, strangling it in his death grip. I sit down with him and grab him a stuffed animal.
I play with him quietly and watch Brodie's face grow with more jealousy, anger, fear and sadness. His mood switches a lot, it's kind of funny. But no matter. I will love-... I will treat my baby the same way. With kindness and compassion.
     Jono looks up at me, a slight bit of rose covering his cheeks as he held the stuffed toy close. It was a giraffe that I could tell he really liked already. I smile softly. "You wanna keep it, Bub?"
     I slowly nods and hides his face with the top of it, holding t close to his body. It was adorable really. You could see his small dimples that were just barely not covered by it.
     I suppose that this was the last straw for Brodie. He jumps up and screams. "That is Mine!!" He snatched it. "And... and you're acting like a stupid baby!!" He keeps yelling and screaming, tears forming in his eyes. "This is torture they're going to make us like them so they can kill us, can't you see?!"
     With all of this, Jono had held on even tighter then before. It honestly hurt at this point. I let out a sigh and stand up, still holding the small boy in my arms. "That's Enough Brodie... you know I was really hoping I wouldn't have to punish you..."
     His eyes go wide, pupils shrinking as he takes a few steps back in fear. "N-no... y-you wouldn't you can't!!" He waves his stub arm to try and make me feel bad for him.
     It works a bit... but he can't keep doing this. I set him back in the corner and grab the giraffe, putting it back in Jono's arms. "This Toy is his now, and because he isn't being naughty like you, he doesn't have to share with you. If you try and escape then I'm afraid you'll go without dessert for a week... a-and I'll do something terrible that you won't like..." I look down, trying to avoid his gaze, because I knew it was not good whatsoever.
     "Fine..." he faces the wall and curls up.
     I blink twice. Was he really going to give in this easily? I mean... after everything else that he's done, this is it? Wow... that's surely suspicious honestly, but I am pretty emotionally tired from all of this. I sigh and sit down, looking at the clock next to my bed to set time for ten minutes.
     This is turning out even harder then I would have guessed, though I knew it would be somewhat difficult. Either way, I'm just glad things are better now. I do hope Vicky comes in soon... we need to settle things between her and our two littles.
     Littles... right? That's what you call them? I'm just so happy for this chance.
          I wouldn't trade I for the world.

Ahhh, this took so long I'm sorry everyone! I hope you like this, I've been really busy and it'll only get worse with school coming around. Anyway! I have made a new book, if you'd like to check it out! It's got a baseball theme. :D Hope y'all have a wonderful day!!

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