1: The Battlefield and a Goodbye?

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          Jono's Pov:
I army crawl across the ever so small ditch that was dug to give my side of the war some level of protection when trying to get closer to the enemy. This ditch was no more then 2 feet tall, making it all the more difficult for the taller soldiers to crawl through. I was lucky, most of us are over six feet where as I am five foot six inches.
The day was currently warm, the perfect temperature in my opinion, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun was shining slightly, which could come as a drag sometimes but at the time, I didn't mind since I was hidden and crawling across the ditch. I was dirty, mud smeared across myself and not being able to shower in the past week. Although I didn't mind all that much, it did kinda suck since it reeked. Though I reeked, the smell of smoke and corpse was much worse through the air, I could hardly stand the smell.
I push past a small pile of the bloody bodies, hating everything about it. I crawl more, the ditch level gets higher, allow me to turn the army crawl into a regular crawl that one would picture a baby to do. I look at a black haired person sitting next to the pile, looking at me with his unique and amazing grey eyes, desperately looking for help. He couldn't ask for it with his words, as that could cause distraction.
His arm was blown off and looked disgusting. I tried not to cringe at the blood bath surrounding it and walked over, at this point able to stand up with a slight crouch. Taking my bag, I start to wrap up the arm and heal it. The arm was gone, the whole thing missing about half way from the shoulder and elbow to the end of it. Completely gone.
The man looks at me thankfully before looking to a black haired girl in the pile of bodies. He uses a scuffed up hushed voice and speaks to me. "We joined together and have done everything together here and before... and yet, she's gone and I'm still here..."
I look up at him from his arm and frown sympathetically. "I'm so sorry to hear that... I'm sure she would want you to stay here... not here as in the battle field, here as in, earth." I force myself to smile gently at him.
"Heh, thanks kid. What's your name?" He asks and watches me finish up pathing the wound.
"Jono, and yours?" I smile and give the wound a small pat as I back away, still on my knees.
"Heh, Call my Brodie. You're the only one who would stop to try and help me, huh?" He smiles a little and leans his head back, tired, just like the rest of us. "You're a Good kid, I'll have to repay you some day." He ruffles my hair with his bloody hand that was not blown off. "We better leave, it's probably not gonna be all that safe here for much longer." He stands up, hunched over so the ditch would still guard him.
I nod my head in agreement and stand up as well, bending my knees only the slightest bit. I look over the ditch as I listen to all the gunshots, taking a moment to try and see what areas the gunshots were coming from.
The shots seemed much louder then usual, probably since most of the other things that were able to make noise were blown away with guns or scared off with them. I sigh and look back at Brodie, who was looking up at the sky. I open my mouth to speak before hearing his voice.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"No, this war is horrific and bloody... I can hardly stand it..." I sigh.
"Not that, the sky. That was her name, Sky. She loved the pretty colors, the clouds that she could make shapes of and imagine to just slowly float with them... so peaceful... and now she is..."
I nod and look up as well, at this point not bending my knees. None of the enemies seemed close by at this point.
I shut my eyes for a moment and open them, taking a deep breath before hearing a gunshot louder then any other. I felt a sharp pain in my rib before everything around my turns black. The last thing I saw was Brodie pulling out his gun, and the blue sky with soft clouds.


Hello there, thank you all very much for reading!! I'll try to update when I can, and if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments or PM me!! It's not very long but I haven't been able to make one of those stories before so I hope it's okay!!

Saved Soldier (AB/DL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ