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-not proofread-

~One week later~

Within the past week Felix's mom got taken into custody, police came to question Felix, and a court date was set. It seemed like a lot but Felix seemed to be doing a lot better

He still hasn't explained to any of them what exactly happened and why he suddenly had a changed his mind about his mom but he seemed to be acting like his usual happy self again

He wasn't looking forwards to the court date. He didn't want to see his mom again after everything but at least he knew it would be the last time

He still had some of the bruises and had a permanent scar on his head but he felt a lot better. But at least he could comfortably cuddle with Jisung without it causing him pain

Which is actually what he was doing right now... cuddling with Jisung

"Lix, you know how you don't like being at your house because it's boring?" Jisung asked as Felix looked away from the tv to look at his boyfriend

"I can go home if it's annoying you. I've been here a lot" Felix responded with a small pout

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I love spending time with you"

"Then why did you bring it up?"

"I was wondering... what if we like... moved into an apartment... together?" Jisung asked as he slowly looked at Felix for a reaction since he was being completely silent

"Soon?" Felix asked with wide eyes

"Yeah, I think it would be fun. We can find one near our school" Jisung explained

"What about money to live there?" Felix asked, confused on how this whole thing was going to work considering how soon Jisung was planning on doing it

"My mom offered to pay for it until we graduate high school. Then we could both get a part-time job when we go into college so we can pay for it"

"I would feel bad for making your mom pay for that though..." Felix trailed off

"She doesn't mind Lix. She thinks it will be a good opportunity for us to become more mature"

"I have to ask my dad Sungie"

"Would you be mad if I already asked him?" Jisung asked as he looked at Felix with an awkward smile "You can say no if you want to, I'm not trying to force you to say yes. It's just that you are always lonely at your house an-"

Felix interrupted Jisung by pressing his lips against the older "I would love to move into an apartment with you" He explained as he pulled away with a smile on his face and Jisung smiled happily back

"Yay! We are going to need a lot of ramen and cereal" Jisung said as he got up from his bed

"Sungie what are you doing?"

"I'm packing"

"What? When are we moving?!" Felix asked alarmed

"I have no idea"

"Then stop packing" Felix said as he laughed slightly at Jisung

"But I'm excited" Jisung explained as he went back to his bed and hugged Felix

"I am too"

"Your bruises are finally almost gone" Jisung said as he admired Felix's face

"Yeah... not to bring down the mood or anything but speaking of that, I'm scared of seeing her again in court" Felix confessed

"I could imagine you would be. You can do this though, just remember what she did that made you so mad and remember that she deserves it. Don't let her get to you"

"I don't want to tell a bunch of random people what happened though. Why can't she just go to jail?" Felix asked

"Sadly that's not how it works. I wish it was, I know it's going to be hard for you but you got this" Jisung said as he tried to reassure Felix the best he could with the little information that he actually knew about what happened in Felix's mom's house

"Can I tell you what happened?" Felix asked quietly

"If you want to then yes. I told you that you could talk to me about it whenever you are comfortable enough to"

"Well, the main reason that she freaked out was because I told her that I wasn't going to visit her again. I explained that it was for her and that it would be for the best but she got mad anyways"

"Why did you tell her? Wouldn't you expect that she would get mad at you for that?" Jisung questioned, not in a rude way. More in a concerned tone

"Yeah but I didn't want to just disappear from her life without telling her. I think she realized that I didn't care that she was hitting me and stuff, so she started trying to say things about me. Like she did a while ago when I had that one mental breakdown and called myself gross. But I thought about everything you told me that day so I blocked it out" Felix explained and Jisung showed him a small smile

"She was starting to get mad that nothing she was doing was affecting me anymore so She used the one thing she knew I would get mad about which was you. I don't know exactly what she was trying to get out of me but I yelled back at her"

"You did?!" Jisung asked surprised and Felix nodded "Wow, I'm so freaking proud of you" Jisung said as he kissed Felix

"After I defended you though she got madder and that's when this happened" Felix said as he pointed to the scar on his face "It was worth it though. She said horrible things"

"Like what?"

"Things that I will never repeat" Felix mumbled

"Okay, you don't have too... How did you leave?" Jisung asked

"After she threw me against a wall. I told her that I love you and that you are an amazing person and she could never make me think otherwise. Then I may or may not have told her that I hate her for saying those things then left before she had time to comprehend that I said that" Felix finished explaining and looked up at Jisung who was already looking at him in shock

"I hope you know how flipping proud I am of you for saying that to her" Jisung said as he hugged him tighter "I wish you would have said that for yourself instead of me but I'm still proud of you"

"You're more important" Felix said as he kissed Jisung's cheek

"No. You are"

"I love you" Felix said with a smile

"I love you too"

I strongly wish that I could write fluff but oh well...I've written like 5000 words in total today lol

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