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Seungin Chapter

⚠️ Cringe warning ⚠️

Seungmin put his phone in his pocket after he sent his last text in the group chat and started walking to Jeongin's house

Hyunjin has stopped bothering him so much/Flirting which was probably because of Changbin but Seungmin was happy about it

He loved Hyunjin but only as a friend, and he could never see them being anything more then that

Seungmin and Jeongin haven't really been hanging out more other then that one time when they cuddled but Seungmin was quickly becoming more and more whipped for Jeongin because how could he not?

He wanted to ask Jeongin out or tell him about his feelings but he was scared that it would go horribly wrong and he would loose him

Loosing Jeongin was the last thing he wanted, Jeongin always made his day happier and he didn't know what would happened if he messed up their friendship

He finally came to Jeongin's door and knocked

Jeongin opened the door a few seconds later and smiled at him

"Hi Minnnie" he said joyfully as he gave Seungmin a hug

"Hi Jeongin" Seungmin said back as they both went inside

Jeongin and Seungmin went to the couch and they both sat down, Jeongin cuddled close to Seungmin and Seungmin wrapped his arm around Jeongin

They were watching whatever was on tv peacefully although neither of them had a clue what they were watching

After a few minutes a commercial came on and Jeongin decided to start a conversation

"Do you think Changbin and Hyunjin are dating? They would be cute together" Jeongin asked as he moved to lay his head on to Seungmin's lap and looked up at him

Seungmin looked back down at Jeongin as he responded

"I don't know but yeah they would look cute together" Seungmin replied

"Do you think I'll ever get to be in a cute relationship?" Jeongin asked and Seungmin's heart low key started freaking out

"Definitely, you're adorable-I mean umm...do you have a crush on anyone?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin's face turned pink from Seungmin's compliment

"Hmm I'm not sure...what's having a crush like?"

"Well you'll want to hang out with that person all the time you won't get tired of them, you want their attention and you want them to give your attention, you might just look at them and want to hold their hand, or hug them, or even kiss them. You might simply think that everything about the person you have a crush on is adorable for no reason. There's probably a lot more too it but that's all I can think of right now" Seungmin finished after just saying a few examples about how he felt about Jeongin and looked back down at Jeongin who was looking right back at him smiling

"Aww that was so cute! Do you have a crush on someone Minnie?"Jeongin asked and Seungmin started blushing

"Y-yeah kinda"

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