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Jisung's mind was still full of questions and he still felt nauseous when he heard his alarm go off signaling that it was rime for them to get up for school

He reached over to turn off his alarm and Felix started moving around

"Good morning" Felix mumbled as Jisung turned back to face him

"Morning Lix" Jisung said making eye contact with Felix

"Why are your eyes so red? Did you not sleep?"

"Not really but it's fine, I'll just make coffee or something before we leave"

"Why didn't you sleep?" Felix asked as he put a hand on Jisung's face

"I don't know" Jisung replied, not knowing if he wanted to confront Felix or not because he didn't want Felix to get mad or anything

"I feel like you're lying"

"I'm not, I was just thinking about things but it's nothing. Let's get ready for school" Jisung said as he pulled away from Felix and got up

Felix got up a few seconds after him "I'm gonna go take a shower"

"Can I go with you?" Jisung asked


"You heard me"

"No Jisung"

"Fine, I'm gonna go make some coffee" Jisung said as he left his room and Felix went into the bathroom to take a shower

After they both finished getting ready and had some breakfast they walked to school together

Felix noticed that Jisung was acting a bit strange but he guessed that it was only because he didn't sleep

They got to school and they talked to Jisung's friends until the bell rang

Felix didn't want to go to lunch because he knew that it was just going to consist of Chan telling him all of the reasons why he should not go home

Felix knew he was a lot happier staying at Chan's house but his mom was eventually going to make him go back if he didn't go back home on his own anyways

And that's exactly what his lunch consisted of, he explained to Chan that he was going to have to go back eventually and although Chan hated it he knew that Felix was going to do whatever he wanted to in the end

So Felix walked to his house after school and automatically regretted it the moment he walked into the door

He thought that his mom would have been over it since he left for a few days but the fact that he left only made his mom more mad

But she didn't physically hurt him like she would usually do, instead this time it was more hurtful mentally

She said some things and Felix was shocked that his own mother was saying these types of things to and about her own son, but worse then that she made him believe that some of it was true

Felix would of rather his mom beat him up, everything she said to him hurt him way worse then her punches and he was scared. He felt so disgusted with himself after his mom yelled at him that he just went upstairs and cried for hours

He cried to the point that he got sick then went back to crying again

His phone was blowing up with text messages from Chan and Changbin but he didn't feel like answering

Then he saw that one of them was from Jisung and he felt sick all over again

Felix's dad came home eventually and tried to talk to Felix but Felix didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment so his dad eventually just left him alone

Felix eventually got up to take a shower, hoping that it would make him feel less disgusted with himself but he ended up just having another mental breakdown then when he laid back down again he realized that it was already 3 something in the morning

He already knew that he definitely wasn't going to school, he didn't feel like seeing Chan, or Changbin, or even Jisung

He didn't bother to text anyone that he wasn't going to school, which caused his phone to blow up a few hours later with texts from his friends and even some of Jisung's friends

Felix continued to ignore his phone and eventually fell asleep at some time in the middle of the day

His mom didn't seem to care so Felix also skipped school the next day, and the next, and the next

And through all of the days that he skipped he didn't contact any of his friends, which only caused all of them to get even more worried

He even heard Chan and Changbin talking downstairs with his mom one day but his mom told them that he was really sick and that he would be back in school soon

Felix was starting to feel guilty for ignoring everyone but at the moment he just wished that none of them cared so that it would be a lot easier and he wouldn't have to feel so guilty

He looked at his phone for a quick second and saw that it was Friday

...he was supposed to be going on a date with Jisung today, a date in which Jisung was going to ask Felix a very important question

Not that Felix knew he was going to, but Jisung definitely didn't forget about it

It's midnight so it's technically tomorrow... here's the chapter for today 💞

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