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I chose Paul as the bad person's name

Seungmin somehow convinced Jisung to go to school the next day, it may or may not have involved dragging him out of his bed but he ended up at school

Jisung looked like a complete mess, his eyes were puffy from crying and his hair was messy since he didn't feel like trying to fix it

"Jisung, he doesn't deserve you. You should move on and make him regret ever breaking up with you" Seungmin said and Jisung shook his head no

"I don't want to date anyone else. He didn't mean it"

"I'm going to go talk to his 'friends'" Minho said, having enough of Jisung being so sad

"Do you want me to go with you?" Chan asked him but Minho shook his head no

"I don't want any of you to have to meet them, they are bad people" Minho said as he walked away to go find them

Minho walked around looking for them until he saw the three guys that he used to be somewhat friends with and Felix

He walked up to them and they all looked over to him

"Oh hey Minho, what's up?" the one standing closest to Felix asked as if nothing was happening

"What did you do to him?" Minho asked pointing at Felix and ignoring his question

"What do you mean? We didn't do anything, we just became friends with him. He's cute" He responded as he wrapped his arm around Felix who visibly looked uncomfortable but was trying to hide it

"You obviously said something to him, he even looks uncomfortable around you guys" Minho said

"He's not uncomfortable, he's just shy"

"They didn't do anything to me Minho, they are my friends" Felix said

"Well they are not very good ones, I would know"

"What do you mea-" Felix tried to ask but Paul cut him off

"Shut up Minho. He doesn't mean anything Felix. Don't worry about it"

"Whenever you realize that you're stupid I'll tell you all about it. Although if you ever want to get Jisung back you might want to do that soon before you lose him forever" Minho said as he walked away

"you used to be friends with Minho?" Felix asked him once Minho walked away

"Yeah but we weren't close and whatever he says about any of us is a lie so don't listen to anything he tells you" Paul said as he tightened his arms around Felix

Felix tried to push him away since he felt a bit uncomfortable considering that he just became friends with him two days ago but Paul just pulled him even closer so Felix just stopped trying

Once the bell rang Jisung and Felix both went to their first period classroom where Jisung sat next to Felix. Felix could feel Jisung's eyes burning into his soul practically begging for him to look back at him but he refused to and hoped that Jisung would look away once the teacher started teaching

Jisung didn't look away and the teacher didn't seem to care that Jisung was not paying attention to class at all

after about 15 minutes of talking the teacher assigned them classwork to do by themselves. Jisung continued to stare at Felix for another 5 minutes until he finally decided to say something to him

"why do you keep staring at me?" Felix asked without looking up from his paper

"Because your cute" Jisung said lightly

"Jisung I broke up with you"

"I know but that doesn't stop me from thinking that you're cute"

"maybe you shouldn't tell me that anymore though"

"why not? I'm just saying what I'm thinking. Just because you say that you don't love me anymore doesn't mean that I don't still love you"

"that's dumb"

"I realize but I can't make myself not like you. If I tried it would only make it hurt worse" Jisung explained and Felix went silent for the next few minutes until Jisung spoke to him again

"Why have you been avoiding eye contact with me?" Jisung asked him

"What do you mean?" Felix asked still not looking up from his paper

"You couldn't even make eye contact with me when you broke up with me. Makes me think that do don't mean it"

"Would you like for me to look at you in the eyes and say it again?" Felix asked

"If you can actually look at me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love me anymore then I will leave you alone and not stare at you and I won't think that you don't actually mean it and I will try to accept it I guess"

Felix turned to look at Jisung and as soon as he made eye contact with Jisung he could very clearly see that he had been crying and he felt his heart sting a little but he tried to ignore it

"I-" Felix suddenly got cut off by the bell "I have to go to my next class, bye Jisung" Felix said as he stood up abruptly and left the classroom

Jisung had a small smile on his face, he knew where Felix's next class was and he would have had plenty of time to say it before he had to leave if he really wanted too

Jisung showed up to lunch smiling and his friends were happy to see that he seemed happier but they were also extremely confused

"You seem really happy, did something happen?" Jeongin asked

"kind of the opposite actually" Jisung said with a small smile

"can you explain?" Seungmin asked

"I told Felix that if he could look at me in the eye and tell me that he doesn't love me anymore then I would believe him and leave him alone but he purposely left as soon as the bell rang to avoid saying it"

"Yay! my second favorite ship isn't completely dead" Jeongin said happily

"That's great and all but it doesn't mean that he's going to admit that he still has feeling's for you"Hyunjin said sadly, feeling bad for his friend

"He doesn't have to. If he can't look me in the eye and tell me that he doesn't have feeling's for me anymore, then I don't think he actually means it" Jisung explained

"I think Paul might like Felix" Minho suddenly said and Jisung pouted

"who the freaking heck is Paul? make him leave, I don't like him" Jeongin said

"Paul is one of the people Felix is hanging out with, he called Felix cute this morning and seemed pretty clingy. Felix seemed uncomfortable with it though" Minho explained

"Well if he would stop being so stubborn he wouldn't have to deal with that"Jisung sighed

"Just...watch out for him" Minho said and Jisung looked confused

"Of course I will" Jisung said without thinking much about it

a lot of your theories were scarily accurate

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