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Felix walked to Jisung's house and Jisung hugged him as soon as he saw him

Felix gasped because it hurt since he had bruises everywhere

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked as he pulled away from the hug

"Mhm I'm fine" Felix smiled, ignoring the pain throughout his body

"Are you sure?"Jisung asked looking concerned

"Yeah Sungie I'm fine I promise"

Jisung decided to not bother him further about it and just move on

"Let's go dye my hair" Jisung said as he walked to the counter to get the box of blue hair dye then grabbed Felix's hand as they walked to the bathroom together to dye his hair

"Do you know what you're doing?" Jisung asked Felix as he handed him the box of hair dye

" I dyed my own hair when I dyed it, so possibly"

"Oh well, just go for it" Jisung shrugged his shoulders as Felix opened the box of hair dye

"So....you think I look hot with blue hair?" Jisung asked as Felix started applying the dye

"Shut up, I'm not talking about this" Felix said and Jisung laughed

Jisung looked through the mirror at Felix

"Don't you think you should roll your sleeves up so you don't get dye on it?" Jisung asked and Felix shook his head

"It's fine, I don't really like this hoodie that much anyways"

"You wear that hoodie all the time"

"Exactly, I'm getting tired of it" Felix tried to laugh it off

"You're weird" Jisung said, making eye contact with Felix for a second through the mirror

" I know, I'm done" Felix said as he pulled the gloves off of his hands and threw them in the trash

"How long do we have to wait?" Jisung asked

"40 minutes"

"Okay let's go back downstairs" Jisung said as he grabbed Felix's hand and they went to the kitchen

"Are you hungry?" Jisung asked him while looking around for food

"Kinda" Felix responded then Jisung pulled out a box of cereal



"Felix you said you don't care about that hoodie right?" Jisung asked and Felix looked at him suspiciously


"Just wondering" Jisung asked as he handed Felix a cup of water and 'accidentally' spilled it on him "oops"

Felix looked at Jisung with a "are you serious?" Expression on his face while Jisung just smiled like he did nothing wrong

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