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(The same day that Hyunjin and Changbin skipped)

Felix was annoyed that all of his friends knew something that he didn't, he really wanted to know what Jisung was going to ask him since he knew that it wasn't just about cheesecake

He put on a face mask and some sunglasses to wear to school until Chan did his make up. Then ate some food before leaving his house

"Where's Changbin?" Felix asked as Chan was applying make up to his face

"He texted me and told me that he and Hyunjin are gonna skip" Chan explained

"Can I skip too?" Felix asked him hopefully

"No, you already missed 3 days" Chan explained and Felix sighed

Chan was still applying make up to Felix's face when the bathroom door opened and someone quietly walked in

"Woah Felix, what the heck happened to your face?" They heard someone ask and they both looked to see who it was

"Ummm hi Minho, I just fell. Nothing serious" Felix explained as Minho walked closer to him and looked at his face closer

"There's no way that's possible from falling" Minho said and Felix covered his face

"Please just don't tell anyone, it's really not a big deal" Felix said as he looked back and forth between Minho and Chan, not really knowing what to say

He was still kind of mad that Minho stole Jisung's first kiss but he wasn't going to take the chance of saying something mean to Minho when he now had something to hold against him

"I won't.... it's not like anyone you hang out with would want to talk to me anyways" Minho said with a small sad smile "I wanted to apologize to you about that actually. I have to apologize to Jisung too but I knew he liked you and I saw you standing there, I really shouldn't have done that so I'm sorry" Minho said and as much as Felix still wanted to be mad at him he accepted the apology... Minho actually seemed somewhat nice

"It's okay" Felix said quietly

"This is a really awkward place to have a conversation, Umm I'm gonna go use the bathroom now" Minho said as he walked into one of the stalls

Chan continued applying Make up to Felix's face until he finally finished and the two of them walked out to go meet Jisung and his friends

"Hi Sungie" Felix said as he walked up to Jisung and gave him a back hug

"I missed this" Jisung said dramatically as he turned around and kissed Felix's face

"Cute" Jeongin said looking at them

"Gross" Seungmin said at the same time and Jeongin pouted "Sorry...you're cute though" Seungmin said and Jeongin then smiled at him

"Wow I feel single" Chan sighed

-time skip to Jisung's lunch-

Jisung was sitting at his usual lunch table with Jeongin and Seungmin like he usually does ignoring that Hyunjin wasn't there

Suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder and he turned around to see who it was

"What the heck do you want?" Jisung asked as he turned around to face Minho and his friends watched silently

"I just want to talk to you, please? I promise it won't take long" Minho asked hopefully and Jisung looked at his friends, not knowing what to do

Jisung debated on whether or not he should talk to Minho but decided to just listen to whatever he had to say and stood up to follow Minho out of the cafeteria

As soon as they got out of the loud crowded space Minho went on a rampage
"I am so so sorry for stealing your first kiss, I really shouldn't have stolen something that should have belonged to the one you truly love which is Felix. I know you think I'm a hoe but I did truly like you, I should have taken the hint that you didn't like me back. I accept that you don't like me like that now and I'm happy for you and Felix but I really miss having you as a friend. We weren't extremely close but you were my only true friend and I lost you because of my stupidity. I am extremely sorry" Minho finished and Jisung just stared at him not really knowing how to respond

"I- Umm it's okay" Jisung replied after a few seconds

"I apologized to Felix too... speaking of him do you know who beat him up? His face looked pretty messed up- wait I'm not supposed to say anything about that. You probably already knew right? Considering that you are his boyfriend" Minho asked and Jisung looked at him confused

"We actually aren't official yet but I didn't know about his face being messed up. He wouldn't tell me who did it anyways" Jisung said trailing off while saying the last part

"Well that's not really my business but if you ever need to talk about anything you can always unblock me" Minho said and Jisung nodded

"Yeah I'll unblock you right now" Jisung said as he took out his phone


"Minho, do you want to sit with us?" Jisung asked as he shoved his phone back into his pocket

"Yes" Minho said as he smiled at the younger, he was happy to finally get his best friend back


Felix walked to Jisung's locker after school ended so they could walk partway home together

Jisung saw him and immediately hugged him "Lix?"

"Yeah Sungie?" Felix asked as he pulled away from the hug a bit to look at Jisung

"Can you hang out? It's Friday right? Can we have a sleepover?" Jisung asked and Felix pouted a bit

"I don't know, I have to ask. My mom is a bit mad at me right now but I'll try"

"So if we were to hang out it would be at my house?" Jisung asked and Felix nodded as he texted his mom

He obviously wasn't going to tell her that he wanted to hang out with Jisung because she definitely wouldn't let him go so he asked if he could go to Chan's for a sleepover. In the end he got his mom to say yes, but only because Felix said it was for studying purposes

"I can go" Felix said as he looked up from his phone and smiled at Jisung

"Good" Jisung said as he closed his locker and grabbed Felix's hand as they started walking towards Jisung's house

Once they got to his house they went to go watch movies and cuddle, after the end of one movie Jisung looked down as Felix who was laying onto his chest



"Can you please tell me who keeps hurting you?"

Despite me constantly attacking Changbin on this I swear I love him just as much as I love the other members I just-🤡

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