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They called Felix's dad and told him that Felix was at the hospital but Jisung wasn't expecting him to actually show up anytime soon

He couldn't stand sitting by himself anymore despite that it had only been about 10 minutes. He picked up his phone and scrolled until he saw Chan's contact name then with hesitation pressed the call button

He was scared that Chan was going to be mad. If he would have told Chan before then Felix wouldn't be in the hospital right now


"Chan I'm sorry"

"Jisung? Are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Felix... I should have just told you"

"Told me what? Where are you?"

"I-I'm at the hospital"

"I'll be there soon. Minho is coming with me. We will call the others" He heard Chan say before he hung up

Jisung waited anxiously, If Felix could still walk and he was okay at first then it can't be that bad right?

A few minutes later Chan and Minho. Minho saw Jisung crying and immediately gave him a hug which led to Jisung crying even more

"What happened?" Chan asked

"We made a-a deal t-that he would t-tell you guys w-what was wrong and he w-would stop if I let him see her one m-more time"

"You don't mean....?" Chan looked at him concerned and Jisung just nodded

before any more questions could be asked, the same nurse from earlier walked up to Jisung

"Sorry to interrupt but we have an update on Felix" she said as they all looked at her with concern in her eyes "He's going to be okay first of all" She said as they all let out a sigh of relief

"However, he does have a mild concussion, and he has quite a few bruises but the reason he passed out seemed to be  mainly from extreme stress...He is refusing to answer any questions though. He is requesting for a Jisung?" She finished as she looked back at them

"He's awake already?" Minho asked and she nodded

"He just woke up a few minutes ago, he's still tired but he's insisting on seeing 'Jisung'"

"I'm Jisung" Jisung said as he wiped the tears away from his face "Can they come n the room to visit him too?"

"As soon as we can get Felix to answer a few questions they can but for now no"

"Thank you" Chan said as he pushed Jisung forward slightly to follow her

"Sungie" Felix said tiredly as soon as he saw Jisung walk through the door

Jisung stayed still for a second as he took in how Felix looked. He now had a bandage wrapped around his head and his lip was still busted, all of the blood was gone but there were still bruises on his face. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his arms that were also covered with dark bruises

"I'm so sorry Lix" Jisung said as he slowly walked up to him and ran his fingers through his hair

"It wasn't your fault. Why were you crying?" Felix asked while

"Sorry to interrupt" They heard a male voice say as they both looked up "I'm doctor Kang, will you answer some questions now Felix?"He asked and Felix slowly nodded

"Do you have a headache? Are you still dizzy at all?" The doctor asked

"My head still hurts but I'm not dizzy"

"You seemed to be experiencing a high amount of stress, can you tell me why?"

"Umm... I think that's too personal of a question" Felix responded quietly

"Okay. Can you tell me who did this? You can definitely press charges on someone for doing this to you"

Felix stayed quiet for a few seconds then he looked up at Jisung who looked like he was practically begging for him to tell the doctor  who did it with a glisten in his eyes

He thought of everything that happened and everything that was said by his mom at the house that at this point, he wanted to completely forget

He looked into Jisung's pleading eyes once more and sighed

"My mother, Lee Karen" He said and looked back at Jisung who looked at him extremely surprised but proud

"Oh... i'm sorry. We can call the police so they can start looking into it. Does she live with you?" Dr. Kang asked

"No, I was visiting her when this happened" Felix replied

"Well thank you, I will leave you alone now, I'll be back to check on you again later. We can call the police and report this for you. I will get a nurse to let your other friends in" The doctor said as he left the room

Jisung looked back over at Felix who was now crying. Jisung sat next to Felix on the hospital and kissed his forehead

"I- my mom is going to go to jail because of me... I'm a horrible son" Felix said

"No you aren't. She's a horrible mom for putting you in the hospital not only once but twice. I should have said no to you, I should have gone inside to stop it from happening" Jisung responded as he was about to pull Felix into a hug but quickly realized that he shouldn't do that because of the number of bruises that were covering the youngers body

"I was the one that wanted to go"

"What happened? Did she say things to you again? Why were you so stressed?"Jisung questioned,  trying to change the subject since he didn't want to get into an argument on who's fault it was right now

"I don't wanna talk about it right now" Felix mumbled

"That's okay, you can tell me whenever you feel comfortable talking bout it" Jisung said as he gave Felix a quick kiss

"You told our friends I was here? Are Changbin and chan mad?"

"I've only seen Chan but he seemed more concerned than angry... Are you mad at your mom yet?" Jisung asked

Felix was about to respond but Chan and Minho suddenly came into the room

'If I weren't mad at her then I wouldn't have told the doctor about it... I'm done with this whole situation for good now. You won't have to cry anymore Sungie ' Felix thought to himself 'I just need your help getting rid of these screaming thoughts again'

This chapter wasn't as bad the first time I wrote it but Wattpad decided to delete the whole chapter the first time I wrote it 🙄 I didn't feel like writing because of that so I'm sorry if it's a mess

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