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"Hey, I made you guys some sna- oh my gosh!" Jisung's mom said shocked, as she looked up to see Jisung and his best friend kissing

They both quickly pulled away, Felix turned red from embarrassment and hid his face in his hands as Jisung sat up quickly trying to think of an excuse

"Sorry we were just...ummm....you see, I put chapstick on when school ended but I left it in my locker. Then me and Felix came here and he told me that his lips were dry and I was like 'oh no, I left my only chapstick at school' so then I-"

"Jisung please just shut up" Felix said, not removing his hands from his face

Mrs. Han was trying not to laugh at her son's stupid story as she walked up to his nightstand and picked up some chapstick

"Woah! I had no idea that was there" Jisung said, making a shocked facial expression

"Mhm sure, do you still need it?" She asked as she tossed it to her son

"Uhh" Jisung said as he moved Felix's hands off of his face to look at his lips then turned back to his mom "I think that the way we handeled the situation worked pretty successfully, we are all good now"

Jisung's mom laughed lightly then asked "how long have you guys been dating?"

Felix smiled softly at Mrs.Han's reaction, he wished that this is how his mom handled the situation how Jisung's mom was handling it when the same thing happened with him and Changbin instead of his mom yelling at both of them. He wished that his mom would have approved in his and Jisung's relationship so that she could have seen what an amazing person Jisung is. But she never will

"pfft, why do you think that we are dating?" Jisung asked as he looked around his room

"Im not stupid Jisung, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to though. You guys look cute together" she said sweetly "I'll leave you alone now. there is food downstairs if you get hungry" She smiled one last time before she walked out of Jisung's room and closed the door behind her

"Oops" Jisung said once his mom closed the door "I'm sorry Lix, I know you didn't want her to know about it yet"

"It's okay, I'm the one that kissed you anyways. Your mom is so nice" Felix said, saying the last sentence quietly

"Yeah..." Jisung said quietly

"How did she react when you told her you were gay?" Felix asked, looking over at Jisung

"She told me that she already knew. She apparently could tell before I did but she said that it doesn't change anything, it's just a preference... just like how some people like pineapple on pizza, or how some people like too poor the milk before the cereal" Jisung explained

"Did she actually give you those examples? And pouring milk before cereal is gross Jisung"

"Yes. Stop being judgemental towards people"

"Fine" Felix said and Jisung smiled at him

"Are you sleeping over?" Jisung asked after he checked the time on his phone to see that it was already 7 pm

"I didn't bring clothes"

"So? You borrow my clothes all the time anyways. I want cuddles" Jisung said

"Okay, but know that whatever hoodie you give me you aren't getting it back" Felix said and Jisung shrugged

"I'm okay with this compromise" Jisung said as he got up and threw a hoodie and sweatpants on the bed next to Felix

"Thank you" Felix responded as he grabbed the clothes and went to go change in the bathroom

He walked back into Jisung's room after he changed and laid on top of Jisung who was already on the bed and Jisung wrapped his arms around Felix's waiste

"What do you want for your birthday Sungie?"

"kisses" Jisung replied quickly and Felix frowned as he lifted his head to look at Jisung

"We already kiss anyways though"

"More kisses then" Jisung said, leaning up to kiss Felix's lips lightly "What do you want for your birthday?"

"We should go look at stars again. We haven't done that in a while, it doesn't have to be on one of our birthdays though. I don't know what day our surprise party is going to be but i wanna go look at stars again eventually"

"Right now?" Jisung asked

"No... tonight is more of a cuddle and Disney plus night. Meaning i'm too lazy and comfortable to get up right now"

"Okay then lets cuddle and watch disney plus" Jisung said as he reached over to grab the tv remote off of his nightstand and used his free hand to play with Felix's hair as they looked through movies until they finally chose one to watch

Everything was perfect

But how much longer would perfect last?

Would it be gay if...?/JilixWhere stories live. Discover now