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"Felix we have to go to school" Jisung said as he lightly shook Felix to wake him up

"But my mom isn't here, I can skip without being questioned too much or getting beat up" Felix sighed as he rubbed his eyes

"That is not what I meant when I said that yesterday. This does not mean that you can suddenly be rebellious. You are coming to school"

"But what if I run into Paul?"Felix asked, looking up at Jisung

"If he ever comes close to you again I will punch him in the face"

"No offense, but he would kill you in a fight"

"No he wouldn't! Chan and Changbin would help me. Have you freaking seen Changbin's arms?"

"Yes but that is also only if they both don't completely hate me"

"Neither of them hate you. They were just worried and you pushed them away. We were all trying to figure out a way to save you from Paul before what happened yesterday anyways"

"Okay" Felix said as they both finally got up and started getting ready

-time skip to when they are about to leave cause I'm lazy-

"Jisung maybe you should leave before me"

"No, because then I know you are just going to avoid everyone all day"

"Please?" Felix asked Jisung while pouting

"None of them are mad at you...okay maybe Seungmin is but he's Seungmin and he will get over it"

"I have a better idea though"


"instead of me going up to them and just talking to them today, I can text them on the group chat after school then talk to them tomorrow"

"Nope, let's go" Jisung said as he grabbed Felix's hand and lead him out the front door

They were pretty quiet on the way to school, that was until they got close to school and Felix tugged on Jisung's hand to get him to stop walking

"Yes?" Jisung asked as he turned to face Felix

"Umm maybe we shouldn't hold hands, they might think that we got back together" Felix explained as he let go of Jisung's hand

"Oh... yeah, right. We didn't get back together" Jisung said with a sad look on his face "wouldn't want them assuming anything like that" Jisung said as he turned around

Felix didn't say anything else and they both walked toward their friend group, they all looked extremely confused

"Why is he here?" Seungmin was the first one who spoke up after a few seconds of awkward silence

"I'm really sorry" Felix started then explained everything that happened including the part when Paul kissed him

"Probably a bad time to say I told you so but we warned you" Minho said with a pout "Paul is a horrible person"

"You're an idiot but its okay. I missed you a lot" Chan said with a small smile

"I missed you guys too"

before anyone could say anything else the bell rang and they all had to go to class

Felix noticed that Jisung was being pretty quiet in their first period class

"Are you okay?" Felix asked quietly

"Yeah" Jisung replied as he continued to do his work

"You're lying" Felix said with a pout

"So? you lied about being okay a lot"Jisung said with a sigh but then quickly realized what he said  "wait I'm sorry I didn't mean that"

"No it's fine. You're not wrong" he said as he started doing his work again

They didn't talk for the rest of the class because neither of them knew what to say to each other. Felix honestly had no idea what was wrong with Jisung and Jisung didn't know why Felix seemed to not want to get back together

He tried to tell himself that Felix just needed time because of what happened with Paul,  he felt a bit selfish. He was happy that Felix was even talking to him again so he didn't want to continue being mad at him but Jisung had to admit that he was kind of hurt that Felix was still pushing him away

~time skip to Jisung's lunch time~

"Are you and Felix back together?" Jeongin asked excitedly as he sat down since he didn't get to ask Jisung before school started

"No" Jisung responded simply, hoping that none of them would ask any more questions about it but that didn't work out so well for him

"Good" Seungmin said and Jeongin pouted at him "What? What Felix did was still messed up"

"It's not completely his fault though" Minho commented

"Why are you guys not back together?" Jeongin asked

"I don't know"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hyunjiin asked and Jisung just shook his head no

"I guess I shouldn't even care that much about it right now, at least he's not ignoring us anymore. We will get back together eventually... hopefully"

"You guys will definitely get back together! All of my ships will sail! Jilix, Hyunbin, and Minchan" Jeongin said confidently

"Wait what? Minchan?" Minho asked as everyone got quiet

"Oops, I'm sorry. I forgot that you were here"

"Do you mean Chan and... me?" Minho asked while blushing lightly

"No, he obviously meant Minchan from Verivery" Seungmin said, trying to help Jeongin out of the situation he put himself in

"That's a person though...he said ship"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Jeongin shrugged

"I mean... we don't know each other that well but he seems really nice, I just need to get to know him a bit better but umm...he's really...cute?" Minho said, more to himself but it was still loud enough for the others to hear

"Oh. Then actually, yes. I was talking about you and Chan" Jeongin said as Seungmin pulled Jeongin by his waist so that he was leaning against him

"You're lucky that you are too cute for Chan to hurt you" Seungmin said and Jeongin looked up and smiled at him

"I know"

"You guys are so cute together" Jisung pouted "I miss Felix"

"Make him realize how much he misses dating you" Hyunjin said and Jisung looked over at him


"Don't let him cuddle with you or hold you hand and tell him that you aren't dating anymore so you should do stuff like that" Hyunjin explained

"Isn't that mean?" Jisung asked

"Maybe a little bit but it will probably work" Hyunjin shrugged

"I'll try it I guess" Jisung decided

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