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Changjin Chapter

After Changbin asked Hyunjin if he wanted to meet them at the cafe he left his house to go meet him

Hyunjin told Changbin that he got over Seungmin not that long after Valentine's Day but considering how long Hyunjin did have a crush on Seungmin Changbin wanted to make sure he was okay

They had gotten close since Valentine's Day but their friendship was a bit weird

They would both flirt with each other and joke around but neither of them knew if the other was being serious or not

Changbin opened the door to the cafe and saw Hyunjin sitting in a corner by himself on his phone

'He's really cute' Changbin thought to himself as he approached Hyunjin

"Hey" Changbin said as he sat down and Hyunjin put his phone down to look up at him

"Hi" Hyunjin greeted back with a small wave

"How are you?" Changbin asked

"I'm okay, like I said I got over him but it's just a little bit weird I guess. First crushed never really completely go away do they? Not as in you will always have a crush on them but you will always hold that special memory.... I don't know what I'm saying, do I make sense?" Hyunjin stopped himself from rambling and looked at Changbin as he tilted his head to the side

"No I get it, it's hard to forget your first crush. Not that you would want to forget Seungmin. But he's still special to you right?" Changbin asked and Hyunjin nodded

"The fact that he's dating Jeongin is also a bit surprising but I'm happy for them. I truly am, but Seungmin was the only person I've had a crush on"

"What about me?" Changbin asked dramatically and Hyunjin lightly chuckled at him

"And you obviously" Hyunjin joked back

But was he really joking?

"Okay good, I thought our whole relationship up until this point was a joke"

"It kind of has been" Hyunjin replied quietly and the two stayed quiet for a few seconds before Hyunjin decided to talk again

"Do you remember your first crush?" Hyunjin asked Changbin

"Yeah, of course I do" Changbin replied as Hyunjin smiled at him and he felt his heart speed up a bit 'that's not normal, but his smile is so pretty' Changbin thought to himself before Hyunjin's voice snapped him out of thought

"Who was it? What was his/ her name?" Hyunjin asked curiously

"You do realize school starts in 10 minutes right?" Changbin asked as he pulled out his phone to check the time, and to also avoid the question

"Can we just skip?" Hyunjin casually asked with a pout

"How can I say no when you look so cute?" Changbin asked and Hyunjin blushed slightly "but you don't seem like the type of person that would skip school"

"I'm not but I really don't feel like going, I would much rather spend The Whole day with you" Hyunjin said and Changbin smiled

"Okay then I guess we are skipping"

"Are you gonna answer that question about your first crush?" Hyunjin asked and Changbin let out a sigh, thinking that the younger (yet taller) forgot about it

"I'll tell you about them but no name" Changbin said and Hyunjin nodded in agreement

"I liked this person for a while basically but they were having... family issues which was causing them a lot of stress? They couldn't handle a relationship at the moment to say the least and I'm pretty sure they never liked me like that anyways so I figured it would just be easier to tell him that I also just liked him as a friend too so he wouldn't feel bad about it. I'm definitely over that person now but I get what you mean, that person is still special to me too. But now in a best friend way" Changbin finished explaining as he looked back at Hyunjin who was already staring right back at him

"That was sad...and you didn't even go into detail"


"But Changbin I'm also not dumb, it's extremely obvious that you're talking about Felix" Hyunjin said and Changbin got nervous

"Don't tell anyone, Chan doesn't even know that I actually liked him"

"Don't worry I won't" Hyunjin reassured him

"Hey, since we are skipping school together. Do you want to go on a date?" Changbin asked since they both finished what they had ordered from the cafe

"Sure" Hyunjin said as they both stood up and walked out of the cafe after paying for their food

"Where do you want to go?" Changbin asked as they started walking down the sidewalk slowly

"What if we went to the park? All kids are at school so it's probably empty" Hyunjin said as Changbin agreed and they started walking toward the park

Once they got their it was completely empty, as they assumed it would be

They sat next to each other on the stairs of the playground and continued to have small conversations. That was until Hyunjin finally decided to ask a question that he's been wondering about for a while now

"Changbin, do you mean all the flirty things you say to me? Like is this a real date that we are on right now or are we just joking? I honestly can't tell anymore" Hyunjin explained in a calm tone as Changbin grabbed one of Hyunjin's hands and held it in his own

"Do you mean any of your flirts?" Changbin asked back instead of answering any of the questions

"I asked you first"

"I asked you second"

"That doesn't mean anything" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and Changbin finally gave in

"At first it was a joke, but recently I've been meaning a lot of it. I wouldn't mind this being a real date if you wouldn't" Changbin said, not looking up from their hands

"I wouldn't either...so it is a real date" Hyunjin decided and they both smiled at each other

It would definitely be weird if I made them kiss already so I'm gonna stop here

Thank you so much for 5k reads!!!🥺❤️💞

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