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The next few days they all visited Felix as often as they could, they all had to go back to school so Felix was kind of lonely during that day but luckily he had TikTok (my sleep deprived writing is a mess as you can already see so oops I apologize in advance)

His dad visited him a couple times to but it was quick visits since he got called into work constantly

Felix tried to convince his dad to let his mom come visit him or to let him call her or text her but his dad refused and Felix was mad but he couldn't really do anything about it

He understood why his dad and his friends were mad at his mom but he didn't blame her, he thought it was his own fault for trying to ask her questions, he thought he should have guessed that it would end badly

Jisung had been bringing Felix his make up work and turning it in for him as he did it so he wouldn't be extremely behind once he got discharged and went back to school

It was finally the day for Felix to get discharged and since all of his friends didn't want Felix to be overwhelmed by everyone they decided that they would all hang out over the weekend instead of  all hanging out with him the day he got to leave the hospital

Jisung however was there for when he got discharged because he insisted on it and Felix wanted him to be there. But he thought that Jisung would go back to his own house once Felix was released but he didn't

Felix's dad signed the discharge papers and they told Felix to take it easy for a few more days and gave him some pain medication

Felix, his dad, and Jisung all walked to the car and Jisung opened the door to the back of the car to let Felix in first before sitting next to him and closing the door

"Jisung what are you doing? You can't come with me,my mom is going to get mad again" Felix explained looking at him confused

"Felix don't worry about it, she wouldn't do anything if I'm there" Felix's dad said

"What if you get called into work?" Felix asked

"Don't worry about it" his dad said as he started driving towards their house, Felix was confused but ignored his dad's strange behavior


"Yeah?" Jisung asked as he looked at Felix

"I know that from what you know about my mom you should hate her, but please try to see the good side of her" Felix said and Jisung avoided eye contact as he nodded his head

The rest of the ride to Felix's house was quiet, one they pulled into the driveway Felix smiled. He was happy to finally be home, and exited to see his mom

Jisung opened the car door for him then held his hand as they walked to his front door and Felix's dad opened the door to the house

"Umm Jisung, I think it's better if we don't hold hands... just Incase" Felix said with a small smile and Jisung pouted

"I think we will be okay Lix" he said as he tightened his grip on Felix's hand, Jisung hated keeping something from Felix but at least he was finally about to find out what Jisung has known about since the day he got put in the hospital

They all walked inside of the house and Felix noticed that it was oddly quiet

"Mom?" He called our but their was no response

He looked over to his dad "where is mom?" He asked and his dad sighed, he knew that he was going to have to tell Felix but he also knew that Felix wasn't going to handle it well

"Dad? Where is my mom?" Felix asked again after his dad didn't reply for a minute

"Felix, I couldn't just keep letting this happen. She could have killed you" his dad explained and Felix felt a tear fall from one of his eyes

"W-what do you mean? Where is she?" He asked and Jisung hugged him, trying to comfort him

"I'm not telling you, not that I know where she is anyways but you aren't seeing her again. She has hurt you too much and she manipulated both of us for too long"his dad explained and Felix shook his head no

"I know you love her but if she truly cared about you she wouldn't hurt you for loving someone, I loved her too but she's not the same person she was a few years ago" Felix's dad explained and Felix sobbed as he hugged Jisung tightly and his dad answered a phone call

"Is it really that important?... fine, I'll be there soon" he said as he hung up the phone

"I'm sorry but I really need to go back to work. We will talk about this more later okay?" His dad asked and Felix just shook his head no and his dad didn't want to leave Felix but he also couldn't get fired, especially not now

"Come on, let's go to your room" Jisung said softly as he and Felix walked upstairs and laid down in his bed where Felix continued to hug Jisung and cry

"Felix, I know you don't think so now but it's better this way" Jisung said softly as he tried to while the tears off of Felix's face

"Jisung?" Felix asked as he looked at Jisung with tears eyes

"Yeah Lix?" He asked quietly

"Did you know?" Felix asked and Jisung froze before slowly nodded and Felix moved away from him

"But Felix if we told you-"

"I don't care, I just want to be alone right now"

"But Lix-" Jisung said as he tried to get Felix to to face him again

"Please leave Jisung, I really don't feel like talking to you right now" Felix said and Jisung sighed as he got up

"Text me later okay?" Jisung asked but he didn't get a response "I'm sorry but I hope you realize that your dad did this because he cares about you" Jisung said before leaving Felix's house

I need to not write when I only got 2 hours of sleep, this is a mess lol. But anyways happy Hyunjin day!!!! Here's a double update because I can....and because I'm bored💕

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