❓Q and A❓

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Just gonna say this now, Felix's mom got the most questions but those were also the hardest ones to answer since I don't agree with any of her characters' thoughts but I tried. Keep in mind that nothing in Felix's mom's answers are true and you're amazing no matter what 💕 also, I let you guys name Felix's mom


is it gay if I want to squish your cheeks?-
No, it's not and if it was it wouldn't matter 💞

If you had to choose between ramen or cereal, which one would you choose?-
Considering that ramen involves cooking...I guess cereal

Important question. Felix or cheesecake?-
Felix ❤️! cheesecake is just a food, Felix is much more important

Have you ever thought about how to save your handsome freckled day of sunshine from the awful monster he lives with? And if so how soon can you save him?-
I wish I could save him, I'm constantly worried about him but if he stays with anyone his mom will hurt him again and he's not old enough to to actually move out unless his mom would let him which she won't

Okay dumb question, I want you and Felix to answer this. Do you out the cereal first or the milk first?-
Cereal. For both of us the answer is cereal. That is the only correct answer.

Weird question: How will you describe Felix as food?-
Cheesecake because he's my favorite


Did you really never like Changbin as more than a friend?-
Maybe, but even if I did there was way too much going on at the moment for it to of ever worked. And I have Jisung now and he has Hyunjin

For all the beating up your mum,to what extent will be 'too much' for you to handle?-
Her saying stuff would have been to much for me to handle. if I didn't have Jisung I would probably still be in my room crying rn so hopefully that never happens again

When will you finally realize it's okay to be who you wanna be and that your mom is the most toxic person in your life rn?-
I know that I'm not all of those things she said I was thanks to Jisung so I'm happy to be who I am. And my mom isn't toxic....she's just opinionated

You won't leave your mom cuz you love her but is it because you have to love her or because you only see the good and don't see the monster she is?-
She's not a monster. I do actually love her because before any of this happened she was one of my favorite people in the world, I still think that she can accept me and possibly go back to being like she used too

Why won't you just let Chan kidnap you for the rest of your life so that you can get away from your mother?hhh I feel bad for you bby get out of there pls 🥺-
I can't, my mom would make me go back and I don't want to tell the police or anyone what is going on because I don't want her to go to jail. And don't feel bad! I promise I'm fine and I will leave when I can

Can I punch your mom and cuddle you? 🥺 -
Please don't punch my mom. And umm I don't think Jisung would let you do that, sorry

Will you be mad if I kidnap you and all your friends + Minho and bring you back home to Australia???-
That sounds pretty cool actually but my mom would make me come back, maybe in a few months though once I'm 18 tho. There's a lot there that I want Sungie to see

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