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-Monday at school-

"We are the best birthday planners ever"  Jeongin said excitedly and Jisung and Felix approached their friend group with their hands  enlaced

"What did you guys plan?" Felix asked

"It's a surprise party... we aren't gonna tell you" Chan said and Felix pouted

"Rude" Jisung said as he shook his head

"You were the ones that wouldn't tell us what the heck you wanted" Seungmin said and they both shrugged

"Wait... are we having a two day party or something?" Felix questioned

"Oh my gosh wait...." Jeongin said as he thought about it

"No, Jisung's birthday is on Friday so we still have school" Jeongin explained causing some of them to frown

"But that sounds fun" Hyunjin tried to say but Chan kept saying no

"Can you give us a hint?" Jisung asked and they all shook their heads no

"What do you not understand about the concept of a surprise party?" Seungmin asked as he slightly rolled his eyes

"But what if we hate your idea?" Felix asked

"Then I will cry" Jeongin explained

"You guys definitely are not going to hate it" Changbin said and they both pouted, mad that their friends wouldn't tell them anything about their birthdays

"Bye" they all said once the bell suddenly rang

Felix and Jisung took their seats next to each other and Jisung sighed when he saw a heart-shaped note on Felix's desk

"Why do girls keep sending you letters? Have I not made it obvious enough that your mine?" Jisung asked, slightly angered by the fact that Felix was still receiving multiple love letters a day

"Woah, first of all that made you sound really possessive. Second, I guess not. And third, this person said that she knows I'm dating you and that she shouldn't be sending me this but she felt like she had too" Felix explained

"You're joking" Jisung said as he grabbed the letter from Felix and quickly read over it "I am going to find whoever wrote this"

"Stop being so jealous. I won't respond to any of them" Felix explained, and before Jisung could say anything else about it the teacher started teaching the class

Once the teacher gave them independent work Jisung automatically looked over to Felix to continue their conversation

"I know you won't respond to them but the fact that people are still giving them to you when they know you are dating me is annoying"

"I'm gay Jisung, people will realize that and stop sending them eventually" Felix said, trying to get Jisung to calm down

"Aww you've never said that before! You've only said that you're 'not straight'" Jisung smiled at him and Felix blushed lightly

Soon after, the bell rang and they both stood up to leave for their next classes

"Sungie" Felix said as he walked up to Jisung


"I love you" Felix said as he gave him a quick kiss before leaving

Jisung walked to his next class happily, he was proud of Felix

-time skip to after school-

Felix was walking to Jisung's locker when someone suddenly pulled him down another hallway and pinned him against the wall

"What the heck Paul?!" Felix said once he comprehended what was happening

"Back with Jisung already?" Paul asked as Felix tried to get him to let go

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Felix asked and Paul rolled his eyes at him

"Like I told you before, Jisung doesn't love you. He would have told you about your mom leaving if he did. How could you believe him? He knew your mother was leaving and didn't bother to tell you" Paul explained to him as he leaned in closer to Felix's face and said into his ear "I would never do that"

Felix stopped trying to push him away for a second to think about what Paul just said... 'it's not true' he reminded himself

"So you would just let my mom hurt me and not try to help? Jisung didn't tell me because he knew I would try to get her to stay. He did it because he loves me" Felix said

"You say that as if you wouldn't want her to come back... you know you still want her back in your life, even after everything she put you through" Paul said, leaving Felix completely speechless

"I'm right. Aren't I babe?" Paul asked as he smirked at Felix "Let's see how long your relationship lasts with Jisung this time" he said as he let go of Felix's arms

"I'll be waiting for you to crawl back to me" Paul said as he walked away, leaving Felix alone in the hallway

Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate as he pulled it out of his pocket

He saw Jisung's name on his phone, and despite everything that Paul just said he smiled softly at the contact name

"Hello?" He answered

"Where are you?" He heard Jisung ask through his phone

"Uhh, I-I'll be there in a second" Felix said he hung up and started walking down the hallway to go meet Jisung

Jisung noticed that Felix wasn't as excited as he usually is, instead of an 'I'm happy to see you hug' that he usually got, Felix seemed to give him what seemed more like an 'I need comfort hug'

Jisung hugged him tightly and kissed the top of Felix's head

"Are you okay? You seem sad" Jisung said softly

"Yeah, I'm okay" Felix said with a small smile as he grabbed Jisung's hand

"... I think I am" Felix thought to himself

Would it be gay if...?/JilixWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt