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After Felix finished texting Jisung he went into his parents bathroom to use some of his mom's make up to cover the bruises that were still on his face so that Jisung wouldn't question him about it

His parents luckily weren't home so he sat in the bathroom and applied make up to his face, he wasn't really sure what he was doing but by the time he was done the bruises weren't visible so he was satisfied

He made sure he had a make up wipe with him so he could remove it all before going home so his mom wouldn't get mad again

Felix wasn't even sure why he agreed to go on the date. Jisung was the last person he wanted to see right now, he loved him but he hated himself for loving him because of what his mother had said to him

He didn't want to anymore but he knew that he couldn't just stop loving Jisung that easily

He told himself that he wouldn't let his mom ruin another one of his relationships but he didn't want to feel like a disgrace, he felt like complete trash for the past few days because he was so disgusted with himself for loving Jisung

After he finished applying make up he went into his room and put on a grey hoodie and a pair of black jeans

It was 7:45 so he had 15 minutes until he was supposed to meet Jisung at the cafe so he decided to just leave, he wasn't worried about his mom knowing if he left or not because she hasn't even checked up on him in the past three days

He arrived to the cafe 5 minutes early and went inside, he was immediately hugged by Jisung when he walked through the door but he pushed him away lightly

"I'm sick, it's probably not a good idea to hug me right now" he explained to Jisung

"I don't care, I missed you so much" Jisung said as he pulled him back into another hug and kissed his cheek

Felix didn't hug back and Jisung was kind of upset but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it so he didn't say anything

"Do you want anything from the cafe before we leave?" Jisung asked and Felix just shook his head no "okay then let's go" Jisung said as he grabbed Felix's hand then lead him to his car

"Where are we going?" Felix asked once they were both in the car

"I told you, it's a surprise" after Jisung responded it got quiet so Jisung tried to start a conversation again

"Chan told me to tell you to text him later, and Jeongin said that he missed you" Jisung said and Felix nodded

"I will I guess, he's probably mad at me. And I'll tell him I missed him too"

"Why would he be mad at you?"

"Why wouldn't he be? Why aren't you mad at me? I ignored all of you" Felix replied

"It's not your fault that you were sick, and Chan isn't mad he was just concerned" Jisung explained

Felix went back to being quiet after that and Jisung kind of just gave up on trying to start another conversation with him

About 30 minutes later Jisung stopped the car. To Felix it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere which they basically were but then Jisung got a blanket from the back of the car and opened Felix's door for him

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere?" Felix asked as they got out of the car and Jisung laid the blanket out on the empty field that they were in

Jisung patted the space next to him, signaling for Felix to sit down

"Look up" Jisung said once Felix sat down next to him

Felix looked up to see all of the stars above them, since the field that they were on had no city lights near them he could see all of the stars ten times better then he ever could before. He was speechless

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