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Felix got to school early and ran up to Jisung and the rest of their friends like he usually does, at least when he doesn't have to get makeup applied in the morning

Jisung smiled at Felix as he squished his cheek

"I missed your freckles!" Jisung said happily after not being able to see them for two weeks "hopefully you don't have to cover them up ever again" he said which he really did but he had a feeling that something was going to bad again eventually

"I hope so too" Felix said with a small smile

"Do you want to hang out after school today?" Jisung asked and Felix pouted

"I can't because I have to go out to a dinner thing"

"Can you come after?"

"I can ask" Felix said and Jisung nodded

The school day was boring as usual, the dinner he went too was also boring but also extremely and uncomfortable

Felix's mom kept trying to make him flirt or do any type of skinship with Hyunae which made it awkward

Felix's mom then tried to get them to kiss for a picture but luckily Felix's dad and Hyunae's mom made her calm down and they didn't have to do anything like that

Once they finally got home Felix asked if he could go to Chan's to study and of course his mom said yes like she usually does. So Felix went to Jisung's house

Jisung opened the door excitedly once he got a text from Felix saying that he was there

"Hi" Jisung said as he gave him a quick kiss "I missed you"

"I missed you too" Felix said as he walked inside

"How was dinner?"

"Pretty uncomfortable, my mom is still trying to get me and Hyunae together and ughh" Felix sighed as him and Jisung got upstairs and laid down next to each other in Jisung's bed

"I don't like that, you should let me talk to your mom. Maybe I can make her see how much I love you and she won't be so against you being gay"

"Definitely not, I don't want to take the chance of her doing something to you" Felix said as he gave Jisung a small kiss "I love you too much, and it's my problem so don't worry about it"

"How am I supposed to not worry about it when she is physically and mentally hurting you?" Jisung asked

"Because I told you that if I'm not fine that I will tell you, you said that you trust me so please just believe me"

"What is your definition of fine? You've told me that your 'fine' with a black eye before and you definitely weren't 'fine'"

"I was fine, it was just a bruise"

"Having a bruise isn't fine" Jisung said as he held the side of Felix's face

"Can we please change the subject? I'll tell you when I'm not okay" Felix said and Jisung cautiously agreed, they ended up talking about random things and watching movies until they both had to go to sleep so they could wake up for school the next morning

Jisung was the first to wake up the next morning and when he checked the time on his phone he saw a bunch of text messages from his and Felix's friends asking where they were and he noticed that they were already an hour late for school

"Felix" Jisung said as he poked Felix to try to wake him up


"We are late for school" Jisung said and Felix quickly woke up "we could just skip since we are already late"

"No, I told my mom that I went to Chan's house to study. She's going to freak out when she gets a call saying that I missed a class" Felix explained

"Your not going back there then"

"Yes I am, I can't just stay here. I'm going to go back eventually anyways" Felix said as he checked his phone and already saw text messages from his mom

Why aren't you at school?

I thought you needed to study for something

I called Chan's mom and she said you
Weren't there last night and you aren't there right now

You better come home as soon as you wake up

I can't believe you've been lying to me

You better not be with Jisung


Felix turned off his phone and looked back up at Jisung

"You should go so school Sungie"

"What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go home but text me during lunch okay?" Felix asked as he got up and grabbed his bag

"I'm going with you" Jisung said as he stood up after him

"No Jisung. I'll be fine so please just go to school, things won't go well if you come with me" Felix said as he gave Jisung a kiss then walked towards his door to leave "I love you Sungie"

"I love you more, text me as soon as you get home" Jisung said with a pout

"I will" Felix said before he left to go home

Jisung had a really bad feeling about it this time

Oops this chapter moved kinda quickly...also, I was not expecting the Q and A to get 93 comments, thank you for giving me something to keep myself entertained 💞

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