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They approached Felix's house and Jisung started panicking because he didn't know if he was supposed to leave right away or stay with him

He himself wanted to stay with Felix but he wasn't sure if Felix wanted him too

"I'm sorry" Felix said once they got to his front door

"It's okay, just please stop getting yourself in these situations"

"Why do you not hate me? I have been a brat to you though out our whole relationship then I broke up with you without giving you a reason"

"I could never hate you. And you actually weren't a brat until you met Paul" Jisung said and noticed how uncomfortable Felix looked when he said Paul's name

"I should have listened to you guys when you told me to stay away from him"

Jisung nodded in response "I should probably go home now... are you okay?" he asked Felix who was still looking at the ground

"No, I still feel horrible for ignoring all of you and getting mad at all of you and for breaking up with you. I want to ask you to stay here so I can explain what happened but I don't deserve that from you" Felix ranted and Jisung suddenly pulled him in for a hug

"Those are all things that you can fix, we all missed you a lot. I was hoping you would explain, I didn't really want to leave anyways" Jisung said as he pulled away from the hug and Felix opened the door

They both walked over to the couch and sat down, Felix made sure that there was a distance between them

Jisung was kind of sad about it but he understood that Felix couldn't just go back to how they used to be. He still had a lot on his mind at the moment

"After I found out about you and Chan knowing that my mom was leaving I didn't want to talk to you guys the next morning because I was still sad and mad about it. So I was walking around school In the morning and someone called me over and apparently recognized me and knew that I was dating you. He asked me about you and I said that it was complicated at the moment then explained to him the basics of what happened. He told me that if you really loved me that you wouldn't have kept something like that from me. And for some reason I completely believed him"

"Minho said that he is really manipulative. I know you still might not believe me but I didn't tell you because I care about you" Jisung explained

"I know that now but he made it sound so believable. He told me that I didn't need you or any of my other friends and that he only needed him and since I'm stupid and I already wasn't thinking straight I believed him again which is why I pushed Changbin and Seungmin and everyone else away. He was always big on skin ship and called me cute from the beginning but I didn't think much about it"

"you don't have to go further into detail with that part. I already want to find him and punch him in the face for kissing you" Jisung sighed

"Yeah, well I guess that's what made me realize that he was lying to me. Especially since he did it even after I told him that I didn't like him like that"

"What about now?" Jisung asked and Felix had a confused expression on his face

"What do you mean?"

"How do you feel about the situation with your mom now? Are you still mad at me and Chan?" Jisung questioned

"I'm not mad anymore, but if you want me to be honest... I still miss her. I know I shouldn't but I do"

"You also haven't done anything that she wouldn't have let you do yet though"

"What do you mean?" Felix asked

"You haven't worn any cute sweaters or hoodies that you wanted to wear but your mom wouldn't let you, you haven't dyed your hair, you haven't invited any of your friends over and comfortably hung out with them. You're living the same exact way that you would be if she still lived here" Jisung explained

"I didn't even think about that"Felix responded "I could do basically whatever I want to do"

"Just don't cook, or do anything that could potentially hurt you" Jisung said and he heard Felix laugh softly, making him realize how much he missed Felix's laugh

"You really aren't mad at me?" Felix asked

"No, just don't put yourself in that type of situation again. Why?" Jisung asked

Felix finally looked up and made eye contact with him

"Would it be gay if I desperately wanted to cuddle with you right now?" Felix asked and Jisung smiled at him

"Why are you asking? You don't have to worry about it anymore" Jisung said as he pulled Felix into a hug


"Yeah Lix?"

"I missed this a lot"

"So did I" Jisung replied as he played with Felix's hair like he used to until the younger fell asleep and Jisung fell asleep soon after with Felix in his arms and a smile on his face

Sorry its short, also sorry if thing's happened too quickly. I got tired of Paul and wanted him to be gone already although....he might come back.

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