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~one week later~

Felix somehow managed to get through a whole entire week without telling any of his friends or Jisung anything

Chan and Changbin were getting more and more worried as they noticed how secretive and suspicious Felix was being and how he almost seemed jumpy and nervous all the time now

They wanted to tell Jisung but what were they supposed to tell him? They had no idea what Felix was keeping from everyone and Jisung most likely wouldn't believe them considering that they know nothing and Jisung trust Felix

Felix had visited his mother again and it went the same way as it did last time, she saw that his lock screen was a picture of him and Jisung which caused her to freak out and caused Felix to leave with more bruises then what he had to begin with

He still didn't think anything was wrong with it, she apologized and he agreed to go see her again after school today

the last bell rang and Felix was walking to Jisung's locker to say bye to him and say some excuse to explain that he can't hang out today

While he was walking someone suddenly pulled him into a hallway, he had a pretty good guess of who it was but he gasped out of pain as he got pushed against the lockers

"Wait are you okay? I didn't mean to push you that hard" Paul asked genuinely somewhat concerned

"Did you also not mean to kiss me when I told you to stop?" Felix asked as he rolled his eyes "what do you want?"

"I've just overheard that your friends seem to think that you're keeping something from Jisung. Did you get tired of him yet? What is it?" Paul asked as Felix's face stayed blank

"None of your business and I will never get tired of Jisung so leave me alone" Felix said as he tried to move past Paul but Paul wouldn't let him

"Why have you been covering your freckles so much?" Paul asked as he moved closer to Felix causing his breath to hitch

"B-because I've been wanting to p-practice makeup more. Stop stalking me and my friends" Felix said as he closed his eyes because of Paul's closeness and cursed at himself for studdering

"Really? I don't believe you" Paul said as he brought his hand to Felix's face and started to rub the makeup off

"Stop!"Felix yelled as he tried to push him away but it was failing and it was already too late

"Who did it?" Paul asked not really expecting to uncover a dark bruise on Felix's cheek. He wasn't sure what he expected but it definitely wasn't that

"None of your business. I really need to go"

"Do you want me to go tell Jisung?" Paul asked and Felix shook his head "Who did it?" he asked again

"I fell"

"Let's go find Jisung" Paul said as he started pulling Felix's wrist

"No! it was my mom" Felix admitted, immediately regretting it

"How? I thought she wasn't allowed to talk to you.....Jisung would be so disappointed if he found out wouldn't he?"

"Shut up. Mind your own business and freak off"

"Jisung would hate you for keeping such a secret. You already messed up too bad, if someone were to tell him now I bet he would never forgive you....then I could have you to myself" Paul said with a smirk

"What do you want?"

"I think I've made that very obvious already" Paul said as he moved close to Felix's ear "I want you"

"I doubt that whatever you feel towards me is actually real but can you please just leave me alone? I love Jisung"

"I know you love him and if I were to tell him your little secret then I wouldn't have a way to make you stay with me. My blackmail would be gone, which I'm willing to risk but it's really up to you" Paul explained as Felix looked at him, confused

"What is that supposed to mean?" Felix asked

"Let's make a deal. I won't tell Jisung if you agree to ...hang out with me at least once a week"

"Hang out as in...? Freinds right?" Felix asked innocently

"I was thinking more like friends with benefits. I wouldn't go too far with it though, just being able to enjoy kissing those sweet lips of yours would be enough" Paul explained as Felix's eyes widened

"You want me to cheat on Jisung?! you're flipping insane!" Felix said as he tried to move away yet again but he was overpowered

"If I have no chance anyways I guess I might as well tell Jisung shouldn't I?" Paul asked as Felix just glared at him

"I'll give you some time to think about it okay? If you don't have an answer by Friday though I'm afraid I'll have to tell Jisung the real reason why you are covering those cute freckles of yours. Talk to you soon babe" Paul said as he finally let go and left Felix all alone in the hallway yet again

His thoughts racing way more the last time 'i can't cheat but I can't just let Paul tell him. I'll never be able to see my mom again if Jisung finds out, and I could lose Jisung' Felix thought to himself as he pulled out his phone to see a bunch of missed calls from Jisung and a text from his mom asking where he was

he called Jisung back and said that he already left school earlier because he didn't feel well then texted his mom saying that he would be there soon

He felt like he was losing his mind, he needed to talk to someone but because of his own stubbornness he didn't have anyone to talk to which was only making the whole thing a lot harder for him to handle

If he could just let go of the one person causing all the issues then everything would be okay...but he just couldn't

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