Chapter 28 - Briefing (3)

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"Sit down Irina." Angelica glared at me. I shut myself up and obliged. She's in a bad mood and that include Athena as well. She's been gloomy since the start and not to mention she's being clingy to Varvara. "Oh wow. This is a sight. You actually came here before I do." Mom sarcastically said to me. "Anyway, shall we begin our last briefing for the Game."

Mom nodding her head to Angelica that working the slides. "Your last mission will be in Sierra Public High School, your target, Charles Hennessy." I was shocked when our next target is actually a teenage boy and a senior. "Whoa, this must be a joke! The next target is a boy? A pesky boy? What did he do, took someone's lollipop?" I joked.

But neither of them laughed at it. I cleared my throat and ignored the cold stared I received.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interfere, Charles was believed to be one of the many offspring of Victor Gland, the famous serial killer from the era of 2000'. Victor rape and killed almost 30 girls and woman in his time." My eyes were glued on the slides, reading this monsters info.

"He died few years ago. And recently, local police received a similar case to what they encountered years ago. Same MO, same taste of woman and of course, rape and killed." I nearly vomited when the slides showed how degrading a corpse was when they were found by civilians. "This is more like a police work than an assassins work."

Mom smiled.

"You're wrong. For this mission, you all have been given a special privilege. The rules saying you can't injured a person by the head will be revoke. For this, you may go crazy, insane or just have fun. But remember this, long distance shooting is forbidden." Mom smirked at me. "I'm sure you have several ideas by now, Irina?" I smirked back. "Oh mom, you know me well."

"What about the local authority?" Varvara asked. "They will simply put a blind eye for it. They have enough proof, but, they can't touch him. He's invincible." Athena scoffed. "Nonsense. What makes him so invincible?" Mom noddded Angelica. Angelica cleared her throat. "Well, I can explain that."

Andropova and Nazarova placed a file in front of us and opened it. "If you please turn you attention to that file in front of you, every kill that occurs, he manage to have a alibi, witness that he's not there. And because he's a 17 year old without any parents, he's completely protected by the government."

"What about her mother?" I asked. "Died of overdosing some pills not long ago." I heard Evara clicked her tongue. "So basically he's untouchable?" Evara back to our main objection. Angelica nodded. "Except for us non government related force." Varvara closed the file and face our mother. "What shall be our disguise for this mission? And who will we be up against?" Varvara spoke truly like a leader.

"I am happy one of you asked me that. You'll be a high school student." We all had our confusion face on. "As you may know, that's impossible for us. We're actually over 18 yeas old mom." Varvara reason. "Well, a little make up to cover up those wrinkles you have will not make a huge deal." That actually kind of hurt. I can see both Athena and Evara had their pissed off face away from mom.

"Oh, and you will be up against one of the most elite assassin ever trained in this very face of this earth and a group of underground girls that kill people for a living." I gulp down the lumps in my throat. "You mean The Black Wings? Those underground jerks?" Varvara asked. Mom nodded.

All three of them sighed heavily. "What in the world of happening to this game! Jesus!" I am confused. What's happening? "What's going on?" I asked. "We had a couple of misunderstanding with The Black Wings not so long ago." Varvara replied my question. "We kill one of their friends and since then they wanted to kill us for revenge." Athena added.

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