Chapter 24 - VTS 1

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"Good luck my daughter. I'll be waiting here, for your return." Dasha smiled at Irina. Irina kneel down and kissed her mother's foot. It's the sign of respect and approval for the older ones in their family. "I shall bring you good news soon, mother." Dasha rubbed her daughter's head and helped her stood up.

"Your ride is ready. Go now." Irina nodded and turned her back to her mother. Angelica and the others nodding their head to Irina. "Andropova, Nazarova, we'll be listening to you using the ear piece, correct?" Andropova nodded. "I'll be sure to sing in your ears, master." Irina chuckled and walked down the stairs. Angelica opened the door for her and got in.

"Barkova and Balbateva is in the truck. The container were equipped with the machine for the test tube subject." Irina was impressed. "Good. We shall commence operation when we arrive. I must say, you all look rather amazing in formal dress. Irina liking." Irina joked. "This is not the time to taking picture of our bust, Irina." Irina snapped a picture of the girl's chest and chuckled at Angelica.

The ride to Vörös was filled with excitement. Some were nervous but Irina, in particular, was looking forward for this mission. It's been a long time since she's participate in such mission. This is a search and rescue mission. Most of her mission consisted of search and destroy so she's happy that for a change, she gets to be a hero.

"Oh wow. Is that Natalya?"

Irina looked up ahead and was astounded by the goddess of beauty herself. She was standing by a car with someone. When the car stop behind Natalya's, Irina was the first to walked out and looked at Natalya from head to toe. "You've change." That's all she said before groping Natalya's breast.

Angelica was shocked. "Well, it's not these.. maybe.." that's when Angelica lost it and smacked Irina's head. "DON'T TOUCH SOMEONE'S ASS WITHOUT PERMISSION!" Natalya was laughing at Irina who's rubbing her head, kneeling on the ground. "It's okay. She can do whatever she wants with me. Before I forget, this is Zarakova. My date for this evening."

On cue, Irina stood up and be as charming as ever. "Hello Zarakova, my name is Irina. How do you do?" Angelica can't believe how miraculously she changed to her old self after that smack. "Oh.. how nice of you Irina. I'm great." Irina's eyes were all over Zarakova's body. "What a nice view from here. Your brunette of a hair really compliments your figure." Irina offered her hands and Zarakova accept it.

Irina kissed her hands and smiled. "Such gentlewoman. You were right Natalya, she's a flirt." That's when Angelica laughed at Zarakova's comment. Irina gave everyone her  nervous laugh and cleared her throat. "Shall we?" She tried to changed the awkward atmosphere. Once they all inside the car again, Angelica reached for something from her backpack and handed it to Valera.

"While I'm busy taking care of stuff with the guard, run to the central control room and attach this drive into the main system computer. That way Andropova and Nazarova can control their system from afar." Valera's hands were shaking when she reached for it. "Don't worry about it. I'll make sure your job is only to attach them. Leave the rest of the beating to me." Irina added.

At the other side of town, Barkova and Balbateva just arriving at their station. They looked around and find a suitable place to park their huge truck from view. "Alright, lets go and find VTS 1." Barkova said while tying her hair in a ponytail. Balbateva nodded. "We can't afford to make Irina disappointed in us. I don't know if we can live knowing she's sad because of us."

Balbateva know the feelings. It's unbearable. Being the newest member of this group, she knows it too well but Irina never raised a hand on her like Irina's father did to her and the others. In her heart she knows Irina's is the only master she have. "We will not fail. I promise." Barkova smiled. "Let's go then. To the children's facility."

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