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"Okay guys we're doin' well," Samus said huddling everyone together, "But we have to keep this up. TIS is on our asses, but nothing we haven't dealt with before. Grab some water and just keep doing what you're doing. Alright?"

After 10 minutes had passed, Metwoo blew the whistle to signal the beginning of the second half. Everyone got into their starting positions once again.

"Ready? Start!" Cloud announced over the loudspeaker. Metwoo sounded the whistle to initiate the game.

TIS tapped the ball first, passing it behind to to Crash, who booted it all the way to the Smasher's side of the field. Pandora ran up ahead and received the ball, but came face to face with Lucina, who used her "counter" attack on the ball. Her sword touched the ball and rebounded it, shooting it all the way to the Striker's end of the field.

Pit, childishly, stuck out his tongue at Pandora and taunted her. She, however, just rolled her eyes and ran, trying to get the ball back.

The ball was now in Marth's possession. Timing it wisely, Marth faked out Shovel Knight and used "shield breaker" to poke the ball with his sword over to Link. By fate, Marth began to glow in a multitude of colors.


"It looks like Marth has gained access to the Smash Ball the first time in this game," Cloud announced.

"Sweet!" Marth cheered.

The bleachers went quiet. The shoot-off began between Marth and Shantae. An open shot from him to anywhere in goal. Marth relaxed and focused all his energy on this shot.

Geez so much pressure... he thought to himself.

"You got it Marth!"

Marth looked to see Caeda cheering in the crowd.

"Yeah whoo!"

"Caeda shut up!"

But despite the silence and tension, Marth was relieved to hear Caeda's voice. Mewtoo blew the whistle. Marth raised his sword and with a quick lunge, Marth sent the ball flying, hitting the posts of the goal which eventually bypassing Shantae.

The crowd was quiet. Marth wasn't sure if it went in, but was soon reassured when he heard the excitement and uproar of the people. He soon felt his teammates hug him, scratch his head, and jump on his shoulders.

"Yeah Marth! Nice shot bud!"

"Thanks guys."

Many more plays went by and both teams were now neck and neck. Only 5 minutes remained in the game.

The ball reached the Smasher's defense once again, heading straight to Ike. With a swing of his sword, he passed the ball to Mario, who was intercepted once again by one of Hammer Bro's hammers. Mario growled yet again. The ball soared to the Smasher's goal, but was caught, thankfully, by Shulk.

"Alright Monado!" Ike cheered. Shulk smiled and rolled the ball to Fox, who effortlessly passed it to Robin.

"Samus, it's to you!" he called out as he used "arcfire" to not only to set the ball on fire, but to send it over to Samus. She received the ball just in time to turn around, confronted by none other than:

"Hey blondie, same bet as last time?" Mac provoked with a dirty smile, "But this time, you'll come with me to my place instead of the dance?"

Skull kid was standing beside Mac, helping him block Samus.

"You're a pig Mac," she retorted.

She dribbled to the left, trying to fake them out, but they still stood in her way.


Quickly thinking, Samus slid under and between Mac's open legs, kicking the ball as she dove on the ground. The ball flew but was luckily received by Zelda. Mac and Skull exchanged looks, surprised at what just happened.

Zelda was sprinting with the ball, dibbling with it upfield having a blast. However her fun was soon ruined when a dark shadow hovered over her.

"C'mere you!"

King K.Rool was about the pounce on top of her. Trying to avoid his attack, Zelda attempted to shield herself like how Samus taught at practice. Before she did, however, she felt her body suddenly become lighter, as if she had been lifted off the ground. In fact, that's exactly what happened— Zelda was hovering in the air, safe from Rool's attack. She looked around to find the source of all of this and saw Link, using the wind from his Gale Boomerang to bring the ball over to him and move Zelda out of danger. King K.Rool face-planted on the hard turf, missing the ball and Zelda.

"W-what the hell..." Rool mumbled.

The wind from Link's boomerang stopped carrying Zelda, causing her to drop rather abruptly on the ground. Seeing how vulnerable she was, Wolf decided to take action by charging his laser gun and shooting a very powerful and detrimental green beam of light at Zelda. Knowing that she was unable to do anything in time, Zelda bit the bullet and took the shot hard. A surge of electricity spread throughout her whole body, making her body twitch in pain as she laid on the ground curled up.

This pain is unbearable! I-I can't....

After a couple of seconds later, the pain subsided and her body went limp, but Zelda remained stunned and motionless on the field, her vision growing darker and hazier.

Link still had the ball but stopped immediately when he heard the whistle blow more than once.

Is the game over? No we have 10 seconds left...why is everyone calling out to Zelda?

He looked over to where she laid, people in white surrounding her aiding her.

"Let's get her off the field, she's wounded badly."

The team of caretakers helped her off the field and into the school.


"She'll be good man, don't worry," Ike reassured, "Wolf's gonna pay for that one." Although he knew Ike was trying to comfort him, it didn't seem to make Link feel better.

"Hey! Strife's about to say something," Sonic shushed. The crowd was murmuring and the Strikers were snickering, as if they had already won. Cloud tapped the mic and everyone settled down.

"Due to the illegal play the Strikers have demonstrated so kindly," Cloud said bitterly, "The Smashers will have the opportunity to redeem themselves through a free Smash ball kick. This decision has been made final."

The Strikers huffed and swore under their breath. The Smashers huddled around before their final play.

"Alright team who's gonna take the shot? Marth?"

"I don't think I could do that again. Give someone else a chance."

"Captain? You?" Pit suggested.

"I'm all tricks. We need someone with a good kick."

"Link, that sounds like you bud," Marth encouraged.

"Yeah Link you should do it!" Pit chimed in again.

As the rest of team agreed, Link nodded in confirmation.

"Alright let's go Link!"

"You got this!"

"Don't sweat it, k? It's just a game, remember? You're supposed to enjoy yourself, don't forget that," Samus comforted. Link nodded once more. He aligned himself on the 18' (the line a couple yards back from the goal), now filled with the energy and power of the Smash ball.

The crowd became silent once again.

This time Bowser was now in goal. A little more difficult. Link was now glowing in a multitude of colors just as Marth was before. He directed all his concentration on this crucial moment. Once he was at ease, he thought about Zelda, now at his most calm state of mind. He summoned the power of the triforce, which appeared before him, hit the ball with his sword multiple times, and with one epic slash of his sword, he hit the ball towards the goal.

To be continued...

Game Changer: Book I (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now