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A/N: Aaand I didn't update yesterday...WHAT IS MY ISSUE? I was finishing up a dress I was making and it...took...so...long! FLUFF WARNING! Thanks for your support as always and with that let's continue...

Now outside in the cold, Link was now walking in front of Zelda, who was struggling to trudge through the snow and stay warm. She nuzzled her face behind her scarf for comfort. Her teeth soon began to chatter, cheeks red and frozen, and she couldn't see with all the snow and wind blocking her vision. It was not too long before she couldn't feel her legs and fell behind Link, losing sight of him in the bad weather.

"L..Link?" she called out while shivering. No answer. She let out a small sneeze. The snow was getting worse and it didn't look like it was stopping. She started to feel scared, not knowing where she was or where Link was.

"Link?!" she called out again. No answer. All of a sudden, she felt something warm coming from below...like a warming light. She squinted from the brightness and peered over her scarf. It was her triforce beaming.

Why are you always glowing..? Oh, wait a minute...

She held her hand up and used its light to navigate through the snow. She looked all around trying to find where Link was or at least where she was. She whipped her head in the other direction when she heard footsteps crunching in the snow. A small light shone through the wind and snow and Zelda stumbled closer. She could finally see the silhouette of the figure in the snow.


She inched a little closer to him before sneezing. She felt his arm and his big puffy, olive green coat wrap around her, instantly relieving some of the cold. She stood close to him, leaning her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist. He looked down at her, making sure she was okay, then continued to walk ahead.

More street lamps began to appear through the snow as they walked and Zelda soon recognized the familiar neighborhood. They made it to Link's place and entered the warm, cozy house. They tracked snow inside, but didn't really care. They both sighed in pleasure from the warmth hitting their bodies and relieving some of the cold. Zelda looked into his living room and saw a lit up and decorated Christmas tree next to his fireplace. She unlatched from Link's side so  as he shimmied out of the his oversized coat, haning it up on the coat rack by the door. Link looked at Zelda who was still shivering.

"Um...I'm f-fine r-eally!" she said through chattering teeth.

He ignored her and went upstairs for a minute, then came back down with some clothes.

"Ar-are you sure?"

He nodded in confirmation then went upstairs to let Zelda change in the living room in private. She looked at the clothes he handed her and smiled. She didn't want to admit it, but she liked wearing his clothes. She began to unzip her dress but the zipper got on on something. 


She tugged the zipper multiple times, but it wouldn't budge. She looked up the stairs.

Maybe Link could just...help for a moment...?

She went upstairs, found his room, and knocked.

"Hey Link?"

No answer.

"Sorry for bothering, but do you think you could help me with something?"

Still no answer.

Is he in there...?

She jostled the knob and the door opened. She stepped inside slowly, examining his room. She didn't really get a good glance last time she was there, so she took this opportunity to see what it actually looked like. Different skateboards were all alined on his wall, an electric guitar and amp were propped up in a corner, and his desk was crowded with all sorts of things (some books, pens, a laptop, papers, etc...). She looked over at the desk and saw a photo of Link and another woman and man, who didn't appear their age.

His parents... they look so happy together...

Her thoughts were cut off from another door creaking open. It was Link, and he'd just came out of the bathroom, wearing only sweatpants.

"Uhm..! I'm so sorry I just-- I didn't mean to be rude!" Zelda stammered.

Link's expression was once again shocked yet he still blushed at the fact that Zelda wandered into his room looking for him and seeing him like this. She was also a little red after seeing Link's bare chest.

"I promise I wasn't trying to pry and take apart your room, I just..."

He continued to avoid looking her in the eye out of shyness.

"So I um...I came to see if you could help me unzip my dress? The zipper got caught and I can't get it."

Link gulped then walked over to Zelda, who pulled her hair from behind her neck to the front. She felt him grab the zipper, shake it around a little, until she felt him slowly pull the zipper all the way down till a little below her waist, exposing her pale pink bra and a little of her matching panties. Link quickly turned around and slammed the bathroom door, embarrassed.

"Thanks..." she said confused. She then went back downstairs and got changed into Link's warm clothes. Afterwards, she went into the kitchen and started making some hot cocoa she found on the kitchen island. She had just finished making the hot drinks when Link came down the stairs.

"Hey...I made both of us some hot cocoa I found in your kitchen, I hope you don't mind," she said as she poured the cocoa into two mugs. He nodded eagerly. She was just about to drink it when Link stopped her. She paused and looked at Link.

"What is it?"

He ran over to the kitchen, opened and closed the multiple cupboards rapidly, until he found what he was looking for. He held up to her a package of marshmallows, beaming.

"Yes! And they're the jumbo ones too!" she cheered.

They toasted to good health and made their way to the living room couches. Link was busy starting up the fireplace. Once it was a well-lit fire, Link joined her on the couch, both sipping their hot cocoa.

"Thanks for tonight Link."

He looked puzzled. Zelda turned to him in disbelief.

"You have hot cocoa and marshmallows! What else?"

Link smiled a little.

"No but seriously, I appreciate what you did back there with Peach...and Shulk. I guess I was too caught off guard to do anything about it. And plus, you took me in your home, gave me clothes...you're too nice."

Link's face grew upset when she mentioned Shulk. Zelda looked away from him, figuring it was best to avoid talking about Shulk.

"...You really do live up to your 'hero' title. You always have to step in for me and I just feel like a burden."

Link shook his head.

"You're not a burden...at all."

Zelda looked up at him in awe.

He isn't even aware about the effect his actions have on others. He doesn't even talk much and he still intrigues me. Why does he make me feel so happy but anxious at the same time...?

All these thoughts were circling around in her head and so, she took another sip of cocoa to distract herself.

"Okay...only if you say so," she said quietly, still looking down at her mug.

She felt Link's eyes staring at her and raised her head slightly to look up at him. She sensed a familiar light beaming  from her triforce, but it was different this time. It glowed a light blue color instead of a yellow/gold color. She looked from her hand back to at Link and glanced into his eyes... and then to his lips...

A/N: WHOOO IT'S STEAMY! Sorry these chapters are long, do you guys want me to make them shorter? Let me know! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you in the next part XD

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