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A/N: Wow guys, I started this whole thing in July and my first piece of published writing almost has 300 reads, 45 votes, and 37 comments! I cannot thank you people enough. This shows that you guys really like my writing and it means the world to me! Thanks again, love you peeps, and with that, let's continue...

Zelda recognized one of the voices. It was a man's voice but she couldn't identify either of the figures in the distance, until they walked up to her. She was taken aback once she saw who they were up close.

"Samus? Ike?"

"Why are you out here? And why are you all orange?" Samus asked concerned for her friend. Zelda paused for a moment.

"I...wanted to dye my dress orange last minute! I didn't go so well..." she lied.

"Okay so I'm calling 1-800-bullshit on that one," Ike said chuckling, which made Samus and Zelda laugh along with him.

"C'mon what actually happened?"

And so they sat down and convinced Zelda to let them know the whole story of what happened with Peach in the gym.

"And no one came to check on you? Geez what idiots..." Samus sighed.

"Well one of them did," a voice sounded from behind them. The three of them turned their heads and looked up.


"How are you feeling Zel?" he asked kindly.


"Let's go inside where it's warm, okay?"

She nodded and got up from the bench. He wrapped his red, woven scarf around both of their necks and they began to walk back to the school. Zelda stopped all of a sudden.

"Hey, I never asked but what are you guys even doing out here?" she asked innocently. Ike and Samus perked up immediately, their cheeks flushed and visible in the snow.

"N--nothing don't worry! Just...getting some air," Ike said anxiously. Zelda shrugged and turned around to continue walking with Shulk. Once they were out of sight, Ike and Samus were left alone on the same bench. Ike noticed out of the corner of his eye he saw Samus warm her hands and shiver.

"Hey you're not gonna stay warm with just that little sweater of yours."

"It's f-fine...I-I'm actually q-quite t-toasty..." she managed to say through the cold. Ignoring her lies, Ike scooted closer to Samus and brought her inside his big, blue, furry, warm parka. Samus at first was caught off guard, but once she felt the warmth radiating from Ike and his jacket, she stopped freaking out and relaxed. It felt like they weren't outside in the cold snowy weather anymore. It felt as if they just reached home and they were under a big, wooly blanket in front of a fireplace drinking tea. She closed her eyes and nuzzled her head into his chest, cozying up to him.

I feel so...calm. I can be myself around him, and he doesn't mind. I'm so comfy right now. I don't want to get up from here...

"You...are you warm enough?" Ike asked as he looked down at Samus. She was too lazy to answer so she just nodded gently, rubbing her head against him. Ike smiled and he too began to feel the same sensation Samus was experiencing.

Only around her... he kept to himself.


"Pit! Slow down, this isn't a food competition."

"But Lady-- Pat, I'm so hungry right now. And the cake is so yummy!"

"I agree, but eat like a civilized angel boy. We're at a party after all."

Game Changer: Book I (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now