41. Distraction, Attention.

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You run to the elevator but it still takes you about 3 minutes and the bell has already rang. You find Namjoon waiting for the elevator as you reach. He's been here for minutes before you, he should've already been in the studio if anything. You catch your breath as you both get onto the elevator and the doors close after you.

"Good morning, Miss y/n" you hear the familiar smooth voice next to you

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"Good morning, Miss y/n" you hear the familiar smooth voice next to you.

You look up next to you and you're greeted with a smile. Damn that perfect gorgeous smile. Before you realise, you're smiling back at him.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim" then you remember "sir".

He smiles, "It's Mr. Kim Sir now, is it?" He's clearly teasing you. You smile and shake your head.

"Well one thing you are for certain is late to your own class today!"

The elevator doors open. He is still smiling, then he nods. "Appears so, yes"

Then you're both walking. You notice him walking a little slower, matching your stride. It's visible for a person as tall as him to do so. You find this odd.

"You were on time, but you're now late! Were the elevators crowded?"

"Are you implying I don't seem like a person capable of taking the stairs if need be, Ms. Y/n?" he's still smiling, still teasing you.

You try to defend what you said "no no I didn't, I'm, I, wait-"

He giggles, a beautiful sound. "Don't worry, I was just playing around, just teasing you a little bit."

You roll your eyes to yourself, noticing you're almost at the door of the studio. Then you ask him, "Why were you late then?"

He smiles and opens the door for you, and you step in but not before hearing him say,

"It's not fun without my favourite student there."

Your eyes widen as he says that, but now you're in class and all you can do in the moment is find your seat. You notice the place you last sat at has been left empty for you despite the class being almost full.

You're lost in your own thoughts when you hear your name. Attendance. But again, before you can answer he just nods and marks you present. It's become a thing now. It's kinda cute.

No no, don't think that way HE'S YOUR TEACHER.

You try to focus back on class now that the lesson is starting. About half an hour in, you're distracted when your phone buzzes. It's Bee.

B: How's hot Professor doing?

Y: he's teaching, bee. He's a teacher.

B: awe you're no fun. Fine fine keep him to yourself :'(

It makes you smile and roll your eyes at her, but you hadn't noticed that the teacher had noticed you get distracted. As he's explaining a concept while moving across the class, he asks another student a question. As the student is answering he walks closer to your desk and taps on it with his index finger.

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