6. Friend, Classmate & Stranger

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"Three in one day? Am I dreaming?"
you mumble to yourself and Bee looks at you, with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I'm sorry y/n, I promise I was just messing around. I didn't think it'd bother you that much, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable I-"

you shush her mid sentence and sit her down on your desk, whispering to her,

"No!!! I'm not uncomfortable I'm just taken aback by the number of attractive males suddenly in my life. Like, you're telling me all I had to do to see attractive people everyday was change cities? That's what I was saying to myself, THREE IN ONE DAY"

you're whisper yelling at this point, but she's not complaining, rather she's reciprocating,

"wait hold on, spill, what three I only know hot teacher guy!!"

"so upstairs neighbour came to my door asking for coffee supplies in the morning and, well, IEndedUpHavingBreakfastWithHim... Buuuut there's a good chance he sees me as a child cz he said he'll cook for me again for lunch to make sure I'm eating"

"why are you assuming he's not into you because he wants to make sure you're eating well? What if his love language is acts of service!??? You ever think about that??"

"oh wow, that makes sense actually. But girl you gotta see him, he looks like an angel, I'm blinded by how bright his skin is pls-"
she chuckles, face palming at your state.

"Okay who's the third"

"Weeeellll, Taehyung is kinda cute" you feel yourself mumbling even quieter.

Before she can say anything, Taehyung says from his desk, "you're cute too, but alas, you're banging the teacher" he acts like wiping a fake tear.

This catches you off guard and you throw a piece of crumpled paper at him. "WILL YOU STOP SAYING THAT FOR FUCKS SAKE".

Effortlessly dodging the paper he looks at you with a mischievous grin, holding his hands up in fake surrender.

Bee adds "we gotta put a bell around him, we never hear him but he always hears us smh. Also, you" she looks directly at you "I understand his face is kinda nice but eugh, Kim Taehyung? He's so bratty you're never gonna live this down"

"Yeah no scratch that, he blew it, I don't find him cute anymore" you roll your eyes at him and look at Bee nodding approvingly. You keep chitchatting about Jin and fabulous cooking skills till the bell rings and it's time for the last class for the day, it goes by quick as it's interesting and easy to follow.

"Finally, time to go hoooommeee" Bee says to you while stretching, you put all your things into your bag and start walking out with her when Taehyung blocks your door and looks at you, "put me back on the list".

"Huh?" you're genuinely confused and look at Bee. He also looks at her and says, "tell her to put me back on the list."
She is also just as confused and asks him what you've been thinking, "what list, taehyung?"

"The three in one day list" you roll your eyes as soon as you realise what he's talking about.

Bee sighs, holds him by the shoulders making him walk backwards out of the class into the hallway and says "earn it then". This makes you giggle and you link arms with her, you both wave bye to Taehyung and start walking towards the school gate.

You keep chatting with her, and she tells you she doesn't have a favourite colour because she doesn't want other colours to feel bad so you have to save her phone number with rainbow hearts. That makes you laugh and you realise you've gotten lucky in terms of finding a good friend on your first day of school far from home. She waves goodbye to you as she gets into the car that's been sent to pick her up and you start walking to the bus stop. You find the bus that takes you home and find a couple of empty seats so you sit and set your backpack down on the seat next to you. You feel your phone buzz.

Text from Bee💜💙💚💛🧡♥️

B- I miss you alreadyyyyyy

It makes you giggle because you saw her less than 10 mins ago. You almost start to type a reply when a couple people get on from the next stop. A seemingly tired looking guy gets on last and by then the only empty seat is the one next to yours. He makes eye contact with you and you pick your backpack up into your lap. He nods in acknowledgement. He has a mask and cap on so all you can see is his eyes. He takes the seat next to yours and sighs, leans on the seat and tries to nap. He smells like a combination of grapefruit, Jasmine and oakmoss, it's a very good scent and you subconsciously lean closer. You get back to replying

Y- I'll see you again in less than 24 hours, promise!

She replies instantly

B- Cross your heart?

Y- Cross my heart, hope to die!

B- Ayo don't die before getting with the teacher!!

Y- okay that's it, you get no more replies for an hour.

B- Lmfaoooooo jk bb, but reminder: text chef boi that ur done with school

Y- should I really? He's already fed me one t

You accidentally send this text when the person next to you leans his head on your shoulder. You almost ask them to move but you stop when you hear soft little snores, thinking to yourself they must be really tired so you don't really bother them.
"I'll wake them up at my stop" you decide and get back to texting

Y- one time*. I don't want to like, use him for food.

B- Didn't he say he wasn't offering, but TELLING you to?

Y- Okaaay fair enough, I guess I'll text him. I'm about to reach the bus stop anyway.

B- Okay good luck ily baiiiiii

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