5. Not Illegal

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Your cheeks immediately start to gain colour as you fumble for words.

"Oh, right, I, yeah, sure" you barely manage to spurt out a couple words while nodding and gave him the double thumbs up. He looked at you with a smile, amused by your reaction, then he chuckled.

"Well I guess the teacher really wasn't more attractive than me, huh? Anyways, thank you miss y/l/n, you should go now, you don't wanna be late for your next class" he said, checking the time and then went to gather his things at the teacher's table.

You nod and leave with your bag as fast as you can. Your brain is saying more words per minute than it usually does and for some reason you can't understand any of it. You absent-mindedly check your schedule and sigh in relief when you see it's in your homeroom.

You glance back once as you walk out and see him waving you goodbye, you smile and wave back, turn back around and power walk to homeroom. You reach a few minutes before the class starts and get ambushed by Bee's questions. She holds you by the shoulders and turns you around, making it so you're walking backwards into the class as she walks in front of you.

"GIRL, did you see him?"

"Yes I definitely did."

"And? What did you think?"

"That's what he said"

"What did he say??????"

her enthusiasm bringing back the whole encounter and your face starting to get a blushy tint again


she exclaims loudly and before you can answer, the bell rings. That doesn't make her less interested, just less loud about her questions. You both make your way to your seats and you resume.

"Well I'm just trying to forget the whole thing so I don't die of embarrassment and overthinking"

She nods in agreement, still curious so she asks, "but what did you say though?"

"I kinda said 'right, yeah, sure' and gave him a thumbs up"

"You gave a hot teacher a thumbs up when he asked if you think he's hot???"

she said, sounding almost disappointed. The next teacher arrives and asks if everyone's done their assigned readings. You lean a little towards her and mumble just loud enough for her to hear,

"it was a double thumbs up"

She gasps audibly and goes "N O".

It's louder than you expected and everyone's looking at her thinking she was talking to the teacher.

The teacher says "Well it's the first day of the semester so that's alright, but hopefully you all pay more attention from now on".

You don't know whether you should be relieved for her or laughing at her but you choose the former at the moment.

By the time class is almost over, you've almost caught Taehyung staring twice now. Emphasis on "almost" so there's nothing you could really do about it. The bell rings soon and Bee is at your desk sooner.

"Gurl iloveyou but what the hell, you literally blew any chance you could have had with him!!" she genuinely looks sad about it.

"You know that's illegal, right?" this makes her roll her eyes.

"You're both adults, it's not illegal. May be a little bit against the rules but after you pass his class, then it's only 'frowned upon' and nobody cares about that so-"

"oh jeez, you've actually thought about this, haven't you? I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I ain't hitting on my teacher, except for the part where I told him our teacher couldn't be better looking than him cz I mistook him as a student" you can hear your voice slowly lowering as you speak.

"MISS MA'AM YOU DID WHAT-" literally the whole class looks at you because of how loud she was, your eyes go wide as you mumble, "oh my god, shush!!".

You hear a snicker and look at the direction of the voice, it's Taehyung, standing barely a foot away. He looks at you, then at Bee, then at you again and says in a calm, collected voice,

"if you're gonna talk about banging the teachers, at least pretend to be discreet".

Your face heats up as your eyes go wide, you immediately reply, "I'm NOT talking about that" to which he smiles and says in the same low, but stern voice,

"tsk, lies."

And you feel it, for the first time from someone you didn't think you would. The way his hair falls perfectly on his face, the way he is looking at you right now, the knowing smirk, the low voice, you feel like all the butterflies you've ever seen just spawned inside your stomach, you don't even know how to react so you just look away, and catch Bee's eyes.

She doesn't seem fazed by him at all, maybe she's used to it, and you're so caught up in your thoughts that you don't even realise Taehyung has long walked away.

"Three in one day? Am I dreaming?" you mumble to yourself and Bee looks at you, with a mix of curiosity and concern.


A/N: So I've never done this before but- hello readers, thank you so much for the support. If there's anything you would like to say to me, please feel free to use this message here to say it in the comments <3

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