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Fatma Sultan also killed herself soon after her mother Safiye Sultan died. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it, happy that now I didn't have to worry about them escaping attacking us again or sad that I couldn't find out where Orhan was. 

Months have passed by and my due date was also coming. Mehmed was successful in his campaign, he won against the enemy and was coming back to us and I couldn't wait to see him. It's been months since I last saw him. 

I missed him, so did Osman. 

"Sultanam," Gülnihal called out and I hummed before putting the book I was reading down and turning towards her. 

"Khanzade Selim Giray is waiting for you in the garden." She said nervously as she friget with her fingers. 

I was already in my last month and I could barely walk. When I was pregnant with Osman, I wasn't this fat but this baby feels heavier and is bigger too. I look like a watermelon. 

"I can barely walk, Gülnihal. Tell him to come here if he has anything important." I replied. "Incase, he forgot, tell him I'm in the private chamber not in the harem."

He wasn't allowed in the Harem indeed but he forgot Mehmed and I, we share the same room. 

She nodded and left. 

Suddenly my door burst open and Atike and Ismiham ran in followed by maids who were trying to stop them. 

"Forgive us Sultanam." The maids said as they bowed. "We tried to stop them but they just ran in."

"It's ok, you may leave." I dismissed them before hugging Ismihan and Atike before sitting them beside me. 

"Why is your tummy big, Sultanam?" Atike asked as she touched my belly. 

"Shhh Atike, how many times will she tell us, there's a baby there. Don't talk, you're disturbing the baby." Ismihan replied, making me chuckle at them.

I kissed Ismihan's forehead before doing the same to Atike. "Evet, Ismihan is right. There's a baby inside who will be out soon."

"Is it going to be a Şehzade like Osman?" Ismihan asked. 

"I don't know.. But your uncle really hopes for a beautiful Sultana like you two." I replied thinking about Mehmed. "But let's just hope for the good wealth of the baby ok. Gender doesn't matter."

"I also want it to be a girl like Ismihan and me." Atike replied. "So that we can play together."

"Me too." Ismihan replied and I chuckled. 

"Let's hope for the best."

There was a knock on the door and I gave permission to let the person in before sending Ismihan and Atike out. 

Khanzade Selim Giray walked in before bowing. "Sultanam, I hope you are doing well now."

"I am, Khanzade." I replied as I stood up before walking towards the balcony with him trailing behind me. 

"You had something to tell me?"

"More like ask you, Sultanam." He said. I nodded and motioned him to proceed. 

He gulped. 

He looked quite tense and nervous making me nervous. 

"What is it, Khanzade? You're scaring me." I said. 

"Sultanam, I would like to ask for your hand maiden, Gülnihal Hatun's hand in marriage." He said and quickly added. "Of course, if you permit."

I didn't reply. 

I was still in shock. 

"What!?" I asked in shock. "Can you repeat that again?"

He gulped. "I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry if I offended you-"

"No, Khanzade, please repeat yourself. I want to know if what I heard is correct or not." I said as I stepped closer to him. 

"Sultanam, I want to marry Gülnihal Hatun if you permit." He repeated and I squealed in joy, scaring him. 

The guards rushed in after hearing me but I didn't care. "Ağalar, tell Gülnihal Hatun to come in." I said and they bowed before leaving immediately. 

"Of course, Khanzade. You. . .You have my permission and my. . . my blessings too." I said as I was already out of breath. This pregnancy is really hard on me. I do anything and the next minute I'm out of breath. 

Gülnihal walked in looking equally nervous and I immediately ran towards her engulfing her in a tight hug. 

"I'm so happy for you." I said as I pulled away and she looked quite surprised. 

"Wait, so you agreed?" She said and immediately shut up before bowing. 


"Of course, Gülnihal. You are my best friend, you deserve the world." I said as I stopped her from bowing. She looked like she was about to cry. "You were my only friend in this palace when I was alone, you protected me and have always been with me, Gülnihal. You deserve all the happiness in the World."

"You were my only friend, Sultanam. I'm glad you picked me that day." She replied as tears rolled down her eyes. 

"So, I'm freeing you." I said. "You are free. No one can call you a slave. I free you and I give you my blessings."

I turn back to face Selim Giray. "Khanzade, she's not just any woman. She's my friend. You better take good care of her."

"Of course, Sultanam." He replied with a big smile. 

"We'll marry you two when Mehmed returns." I announced when Sumbul agha in. 

"Sultanam, Sultanam, good news." He said with a big smile before bowing. "Hünkarım has already entered the capital."

"What?" I asked. "Ya Allah, two good news in one day!?"

I was about to go out when I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I let out a scream making Gülnihal grab my arms. "Sultanam, are you ok?"

"Yes," I breathed out when I felt another and then felt something running down my legs. "My water. . . my water broke."

"Sumbul acha, quick, call the midwife. Sultanam is giving birth." Gülnihal yelled as she helped me inside while Khanzade Selim stood there dumb and helpless before running out after Sumbul. 

Gülnihal helped me lay on the bed when another pain hit me, making me scream. "Gülnihal, I can't. It hurts." I cried out. When I gave birth to Osman, I didn't even know or feel any pain as I was poisoned and everything happened in a blur. 

"Sultanam, you can do it. You're the strongest woman I have ever known." She said as she lightly squeezed my arms. "You got this. You can do it."

I gulped and nodded. 

The midwives entered and started doing everything that was necessary. 

It was not an easy birth. 6 freaking hours of screaming, crying and almost giving up until I finally saw my babies. 

Yes, babies. I had twins. 

A Şehzade and a Sultana. 
A/n : there you go guys, u hv ur twins.
Hope you enjoyed reading.

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