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"No Mehmed stop it. I need to wake up. I have alot of works to do." I pushed his face away but he ignored my protest and pined my hands on top of my head before dipping his head in the nape of my neck.

"I'm not done with you." He whispered and I let out a giggle.

"But I have alot of work to attend and I believe you also have a alot of work to attend." I said as he pulled away from my neck.

"I'm the Sultan, I do as I wish and you are the Sultan's wife, his Sultana, his Haseki. You don't have to do anything."

I raised my eyebrows at him with a playful smile playing on my lips. "Oh so the lazy Sultan don't want to work huh? That's not going to happen. Get up and get out."

"No." He said stubbornly. "Don't you think Osman needs a brother or sister to play with? He's already 7 months old. Why don't we start making another baby sister for him huh?"

"Hm the offer is good but not now. I have some important works to attend to." I said and he slowly left my grip on my hands. I was about to get up when he pushed me down on my back before pulling his shirt over his head.

"You'll be leaving only after I'm done with you." He smirked.

He made love to me like a crazy beast he was and I would be lying if I say I didn't enjoy it. By the time he was done with me, the sun was already up high in the sky.

We took bath together before get dressed.

"I'm late again and it's all because of you." I glared at him in the mirror and he smirked at me before wrapping his arms around me and leaning his chin on my shoulder.

"I'll be honoured to keep on making you late every morning." He whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine. He let out a chuckle as I pushed him away.

He went to attend some court meetings while I took Osman and went to the Harem to check on them.


I walk inside the Harem and the concubines bowed to me before going back to their works after I signalled them to.

"Sumbul, have you done everything I asked for?" I asked Sumbul agha who nodded.

"Sultanam, all the preparations are done. We have put up tents in the garden like you asked for, prepared all the dishes Hümaşah Sultan likes and have made all the arrangements for fireworks display." He informed and I nodded.


Just as I was about to sit down the door man announced the arrival of the last person I want to see right now.

"Attention. Gülbahar Sultan."

Gülbahar entered the Harem with an annoying smile. "Sultanam." She bowed.

"Gülbahar." I answered with a sarcastic smile.

She received the title of a Sultana just recently after she gave birth to Şehzade Orhan's son, Şehzade Mahmmud. I don't even want to explain why Mehmed allowed his brother to have sons but why punish the baby for his father's doings? So I don't blame Mehmed too.

Orhan would be a fool if he try anything funny.

She cocked her eyebrows at me. "Gülbahar Sultan." She said and now it was my turn to cock my eyebrows at her mockingly.

"Where are your manners Gülbahar. Have you forgotten, you are standing in the presence of Haseki Halime Sultan, wife of Sultan Mehmed Khan, the Padişah of 3 continents." I smirked at her. Take that bitch. A tit for tat.

"ATTENTION. HIS HIGHNESS ŞEHZADE ORHAN." The door man announced again and Orhan entered the Harem.

"Halime Sultan." He bowed at me and I nodded at him. According to the tradition, I out ranks him as I'm the legal wife of the ruling Sultan and the ruler of the Harem.

"Şehzade? Why are you bowing to her?" His stupid concubine asked making Orhan glare at her.

"Shut up, Gülbahar. And keep your head and voice down." He hissed at her before turning back at me with a smile. "Forgive her Sultanam. She don't know any rules here. I'll make sure to explain it to her. I hope you are not offended."

I waved at him. "Of course not, Şehzade. But yes, I do agree. She needs to be taught alot of manner."

"Of course, Sultanam." He added.

"The maids will show you your chambers. Make yourself comfortable." I said with a polite smile even if my inner rebellious spirit wanted to bash him up.

They went away while 2 of his concubines, the mother of his daughters settled themselves in the Harem. Mehmed did allow him to have children but he was not allowed to have any more women beside the mother of his children.

I sat in the Harem with the girls as I have nothing else to do. The girls were playing with Osman like usual when Orhan's concubines came in with their daughters.

"Sultanam." They bowed and I nodded at them before motioning them to side beside me on the pillow.

"What is your name?" I asked the blonde one who smiled at me.

"Latife, Sultanam." She replied and I nodded before turning to the other one. "And what is your name?"

"Nurbahar, Sultanam."

I learnt that Nurbahar Hatun's daughter is Hatice Sultan and Latife Hatun's daughter is Akile Sultan. That means altogether Orhan has 3 daughters and 1 son. Gevherhan, Akile, Hatice and Mahmmud.

Gülbahar being the arrogant, sassy bitch she was, she didn't care about her daughter Gevherhan who was already 2. So, Latife Hatun takes care of her.

Both Latife and Nurbahar seems nice and good. But should we really judge a book by it's cover. No.

I'll take them under me if they are really loyal to me like they say they would.

"Sultanam, Ismihan Sultan, Atike Sultan and Defne Hatun has arrived." One of the concubines informed and I nodded before standing up.

I asked Mehmed to bring Ismihan, Atike and Defne here but not Sadika Hatun of course. Ismihan and Atike were his late brother's daughters and if his annoying little brother deserves to be here than why not his innocent little nieces?

"Ismihan, my darling." I bend down as I picked up my 2 years old niece who happily jumped into my arms. I placed a kiss on her forehead before placing her down and picking up Atike.

"Atike, my little Sultana." I placed a kiss on her forehead too before placing her down.

"Sultanam." Defne Hatun bowed to me and I smiled at her before nodding. "Thank you Sultanam for allowing me to stay here by breaking the rules. I don't know how to thank you."

"Defne, you don't have to thank me." I replied before leaning in close to her. "And can you take care of Ismihan? As you know her mother won't be here. If you don't want to, then it's ok."

"No. Sultanam. Of course, I would. She may be from different women but afterall, she is the daughter of the man I loved. I will take care of her like my own daughter." She said.

"Girls, from today both the little Sultanas and Defne Hatun will be staying here. Take care of all their needs and show them their chamber." I ordered and the girls nodded before taking Defne with them while both Ismihan and Atike followed me into the Harem.

They started playing with Gevherhan, Akile, Hatice and Osman too and I smiled brightly at the sight infront of me.

"It's good to have kids running all around the palace. The palace seems more lively with these little children running and laughing around." I stated and the other's nodded in agreement.

"May Allah bless you and our Sultan with more kids." Latife Hatun said.

"Inshallah." The others cheered and I smiled.

"Amin." I replied. "Latife, Amin."

A/n : did you enjoy the chapter?

P.s. who is your favourite character in this book??

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