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Someone splash water on my face and I jerked up. Am I back to Rome? Sadly no.

I was in a dark box cell with three guards, that short legs and Mehmed glaring at me. “I'll ask you one last time. Who. Send. You.” He gritted out.

“No one send me. I'm not from here. I don't know how I end up here. Please let me go.” I pleaded him, slowly his glare turn into a frown and I nearly thought he gave in. Keyword : nearly.

“No.” He said as he motioned his guards to untie him. “You'll stay with me. Here.” he said.

If he thought I didn't knew the Harem rules then he's wrong. I read all the books about the Ottomans. I clearly knew what it was.

“I'm a free woman. You can't keep me in the Harem.” I said smirking as I danced inside. But did I really want to go back? Of course. Didn't you said you wanted to save him?

He smirked at me this time. “Who said your going to stay in the Harem.”

I looked at him confused. Now what is he going to do. “Then where?”

“In my chamber.” He said and my eyes nearly fell out of my socket while the guards gasped at him horrified.

“Şehzade, it's-” one of the guards tried to convince him but he raised his hand stopping them.

“I'm a Şehzade of the Osman dynasty. Do you think I'm not capable of saving myself.” He said his eyes still on mine.

“Forgive me, His highness. I didn't mean that.” the guard said before two step back.

“Sumbul agha, take her to Firuze Kalfa. You know what to do.” Medmed said and the short legs nodded.

“As your wish Şehzade. ” He said as he tried to grab my arm but I swatted his hand away.

“Touch me and I'll break your arms.” I roared at him as he put his hand over his mouth.

“What an insolent girl.” He said but I didn't care about him. I turn towards Mehmed who was looking at me curiously.

I have decided. I know what to do. And i'll do it.

“I'll stay here but I want a different room. I'm not staying with you.” I said and he gave me a boring look.

“Look woman. I don't know whether to call you loose screw or a cunning woman but listen carefully, I'm Şehzade Mehmed. Second son of Sultan Mustafa. Do you understand ‘Şehzade’. Your opinions don't matter to me.” He said and I shot him a glare. “Either you go with Sumbul aga willingly or my guards can drag you there. The choice is yours.”

I thought for some moment before nodding. If I die here I couldn't be able to go home. But first of all I have to figure out how I came here and that way i'll find my way home. . . . of course after saving him.

Sumbul agha lead the way as I followed him glaring at Mehmed. I didn't thought the person whom I thought to save is a big ass.

We kept on walking as the person who passes by looked at me with confused expression. I knew what exactly they were thinking of course. The way I dress. No one wears sweatpants and shirt here and this sucks.

We entered a big room no wait. . . . Harem? The girls kept staring at me while short legs yelled at them to go back to their works.

“Sumbul agha, who's this new girl. Is she a concubine of Şehzade Selim?” One woman asked who was holding her pregnant belly and unlike others she dressed well and she even had a small tiara on her head. She was a woman of higher rank I could tell that.

“Sadika Hatun. She is not a concubine, she is a free woman. And no, she wasn't brought her for Şehzade Selim.” Short legs replied as I look around the Harem while other girls giggled pointing at me. I know, I look like shit.

“Then who is she?” She asked as she checked me from head to toe. “She doesn't look like she's from here.”

“Şehzade Mehmed saved her from drowing and brought her here. She'll be staying with him.” He said and she nodded.

“What's your name.” She asked politely offering me a small smile which I returned.

“Andria.” I replied.

“Sadika Hatun?” A voice called her from behind before a woman in her early twenties came walking towards us.

“Thank God, Firuze Kalfa. I was searching for you.” Short legs said as he smiled at her to which she returned.

“Why? What happen Sumbul agha?” She asked before looking at me. “Another new concubine? For which Şehzade?” Firuze Kalfa asked checking me.

“Kalfa, she is not a concubine. She is a free woman. I'll explain to you later for now just get her something to wear before she freeze to death and Şehzade Mehmed kill us.” Sumbul cried and Firuze nodded.

Firuze turned towards Sadika Hatun. “Hatun. Şehzade Selim is waiting for you in his chambers.” She said and Sadika's smile widened, she turn towards me.

“I'll see you soon, Andria.” She said and I nodded. She hurried out of the door followed by two girls and I return my gaze back at the two.

“Come with me.” Firuze said as she walked and I followed her. To be honest, i'll love to be stuck here for forever if I didn't miss my parents. The palace is awesome but the only problem if I can't wear pajama or sweatpants here and that sucks more than anything else.

Firuze dressed me into a beautiful red dress and I twirl around holding my dress.

“So where are you from Andria?” Firuze asked as she did my hair while I look at my reflection with big eyes still not believing thats me.

“Rome, italy. ” I said and she nodded.

“Your also from there right?” I asked her as I remember reading about her too.

“How did you know?” She asked as she stopped.

Oh shit.

Think something, Andria.

“You look like your from there.” I replied as I smile at her sheepishly and she seemed to buy it. Phew.

“Yes your right. I'm also from Rome.” She said as she finished with my hair and turn me around to face her with her hands on my shoulder.

“Perfect.” She said as she smiled at me. To be honest, she wasn't as stern as it was mention in the book. “Our Şehzade won't be to able to keep his eyes off you.”

I scoffed. “Then let's change. I want to wear something in which he won't even look at me.” I said and Firuze looked at me with shocked expression.

“Then why are you here if not for Şehzade.” She asked curiously looking at me.

“I'm being held hostage. I want to go he but he won't send me.” Ok. That was half of the truth.

She about to say something when someone knocked on the door.

“Is she ready, Kalfa? Şehzade is asking for her.” Sumbul said in a hush tone and I rolled my eyes.

“Yes. Just a minute.” She said before turning towards me. “Listen girl, let me tell, he is a Şehzade and he seem to like you so he brought you here. If you please him and give him a heir you will rule the World. Do you get it? You become a Sultana.”

I stood up as she re-arranged my clothes. “Now go. Şehzade must be waiting for you.”

I nodded as I walked out and followed Sumbul.

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