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“And he died.”

Wait. What?

I stare at the book like it has just cracked a joke that doesn't make sense at all.

Honestly, it did cracked a joke. I mean he was fighting for it, he was about to win but taadaa, one of his favourite concubine betrayed him and killed him.

“Andria, you have school tomorrow. Go to bed.” My mom yelled from downstairs and I rolled my eyes.

‘Come on mom. I'm nineteen not six’ I wanted to say but I bit back my tongue, already knowing that it will probably land me in another trouble.

“Yes, mom.” I shouted back and closed the book I was reading before keeping it carefully on the nightstand. I turn off the light and crawled into my bed.

“How cool will it be if I was able to go to that era and save the King and change the whole history.” I said to myself as I stared at my ceiling dreamily.

I stood up from my bed and went towards the window just opposite my bed and opened it. There were no stars tonight, the sky was filled with black clouds threatening to pour down on us while the thunder roared sending down the lightning strikes.

I inhaled the fresh smell of the mud as the rain poured down hitting the ground. Closing the window I went back to my bed before opening the book one last time.

Sultan Mehmed.

I read as I ran my fingers on his portrait. He was 27 when he died leaving behind his first wife and his childrens at the hands of his half brother Şehzade Orhan and his concubine who killed them all after he was dead.

Glancing at the watch on my table that says I was going to be woken up by a bucket of water in the morning if I didn't sleep now, I put down the book and crawled into my bed before closing my eyes diving into the dreams of Sultan Mehmed.

I struggled to breath and move as I aimlessly kicked in the air more like water that was suffocating me.

Is it already morning. Did my mom poured the water on me? Then why was I not able to move, breath or open my eyes.

Suddenly something grabbed my arms and I struggled to move away from it but it pulled me with full force towards it.

Suddenly the fresh air hit me and I splash out the water from my mouth at something. . . . or someone.

I was breathing heavily and my eyes threatened to close but I managed to look up at the person who just pulled me out of the water. He had a big beard, a long face and from his clothes I could make out he was a soldier. But he's not from our country judging by his uniform and face.

“Miss are you ok?” He asked in turkish and luckily I knew turkish. All thanks to dad for forcing me to learn different languages. He put my down on the ground and I nodded.

“Thank you for saving me. But how did I end up here.” I looked around and saw that the surrounding was unknown and new to me.

“Şehzade.” the guy said as he bowed his head at someone behind me and I jerked my head so fast that I swear my neck nearly broke.

There stood a Man, maybe in his early 20, wearing outdated clothes with his hands behind his back as he looked down at me. His honey brown eyes looking straight into my pale blue ones. He was tall and handsome.

And the realisation finally hit me. I was in the middle of a historical film shooting, but how. How did I end up here.

I quickly got up and cleaned the dirt from my wet sweatpants and shirt while looking at him with an apologetic smile. “I'm so sorry for interrupting your film shooting. I didn't intend to I swear. I just don't know how I ended up here.”

And the guy behind narrowed his eyes at me before turning towards the handsome guy. “Your highness, I think this woman have loose screw.”

I gasped at him and pointed my fingers at him. “How dare you. I know you are an actor but that doesn't give you any rights to call me loose screw.”

That guy was about to say something but closed his mouth with his hand as that handsome guy raised his hand indicating him to shut up as he didn't remove his gaze from him.

“What's your name?” He asked.

“Andria.” I replied and he nodded. “And what's yours?” I asked and he raised his eyebrows at me before replying.


“Ok Mehmed. I'm so sorry for interrupting your shooting like this but I have to go now-”

But before I could finish, the guy who called me loose screw gasped at me. “You referred His Highness by his name?”

I lost it and I snapped at him. “Listen Mr short legs.” I said referring to his short legs. “Tell the director to cut. Stop with your acting, it's annoying me.”

“Di- dict- what?” Mehmed asked and I shot him a confused look.

“Director.” I said and it was their turn to shoot me a confused look.

Am I in a mental institute?

“Wait. Where am I.” I asked sensing something wrong.

Mehmed was looking at me with weird expression before replying the last word I wanted to hear. “Istanbul.”

What the. . . .?

I froze on my place. “How the HECK did I end up here?” I turn back and questioned the guy who saved my from drowning.

He looked back before nodding and replying. “We don't know. His highness was going back to the palace after hunting when He saw some bubbles coming out of the water so we went to check and saw you drowning.”

The way he was saying confirmed my doubts but I decided to check one last time. “Whic- which year is this.” I asked to no one in particular.

“1506.” Mehmed replied as I lost my balance but the guard caught me before I could fall.

Shit. No. This can't be real. No. No. I'm dreaming.

I pinched my checks hard and I cried out loud when I didn't wake up. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Your highnesses, see, I told you. She's crazy.” Short legs said again but I didn't care, I kept on crying.

“Guards, close her mouth and take her with us.” Mehmed said and I stopped him before pulling him by his collar.

“It's all because of you.” I yelled at him before punching him in the jaw just to be pulled back by the guards. They took out their swords and kept it on my neck. One wrong move and i'll die in this era where my identity will be unknown. Will my grave have Unknown written in it? What the heck are you even thinking, Andria.

“Who send you?” Mehmed roared but I didn't flinch.


“WHO SEND YOU TO KILL ME?” He roared again.

“No one send me. I can't even–” I wasn't able finish my sentence as something hard fell on my head and I lost my conscious.


a/n : there you go!!! I hope you enjoyed. If you did, do vote and comment and don't forget to share it to your friends too.

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