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"Mehmed stop." I tried to stop them and pull them apart but I couldn't as they were much more stronger than me. Left with no option I ran out and called the guards who immediately ran inside.

The guards pulled them apart but they already had some bruise and cuts on their face. Şehzade Selim broke free from their grasp before walking out in rage.

I cupped Mehmed's face as I examined it. He had a big black bruise forming just on his right jaw, another one on the left side of the forehead and a small cut on his cheek bone.

"Aghas, you may leave. Make sure no one knows what you just witnessed now." I said and they nodded hesitantly before leaving.

"Mehmed, are you out of your mind." I wiped his face with a clean cloth as I glared at him. "This is what Hafsa Sultan wants. She want you two to fight among youself. It is all her doing."

"Go and apologise to your brother." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Why should I? He hit me first. He should be the one to apologise." He spat angrily and I sigh before wiping his bruised knuckles that had some blood on them.

"First calm down, Mehmed and listen carefully." I said as I made him sat down on the couch before sitting beside him. "Hafsa Sultan want to create problems between you two. She wants you two to fight and hate each other making her work easier. She will then manipulate Hünkarım into thinking that neither you or Selim are capable to ascend the throne."

"Now, I clearly understood whats going on, Mehmed. It was her who send those assassins and they placed the ring. Don't be foolish and go and apologise to your brother." I said but he didn't budge. I sighed before placing my hand on top his.

"Mehmed, he is your brother. You share the same womb and I have seen his love for you, Mehmed. He'll never do anything which will harm you. Trust me."

He nodded before turning his gaze on me. "Will you come with me."

I smiled at him. "Of course."

We stood outside Şehzade Selim's chamber and the door man announced Mehmed's arrival.

"Now what do you want?" Selim spat and he looked away from Mehmed. Sadika Hatun was cleaning his wounds but stopped as soon as we came in. She bowed at Mehmed and smiled at me before returning her gaze back at Selim.

"Selim, I. . . I want to talk with you." He stammered as he nervously looked up at his brother. "Alone."

"What really happened Andria Hatun." Sadika asked as we sat on the couch inside the room while the brothers were talking in the balcony.

"It's not my place to tell you, Sadika Hatun. Why don't you ask Şehzade Selim later." I said and she nodded and I sigh in relieve mentally.

My gaze landed on her baby bump and I can't helped it but ask. "When is your due date, Sadika."

She smiled as she touch her bump lovingly. "Two months."

"May God give you a healthy and a beautiful baby." I said as I smiled her before sipping on the drinks she offered.

"Inshallah." She replied as she smiled at me.

"Andria, let's go." Mehmed said as soon as they came out and I looked at him worriedly but he gave me reassuring smile.

"Why don't you two also have dinner with us." Şehzade Selim suggested and I sighed in relieve. Atleast they made up.

Mehmed and I got ready to go to Hümaşah Sultan's palace after Şehzade Orhan, Hafsa Sultan and Ayşe Sultan set off for Edrine palace. We walked towards the Harem and the door man announced his arrival.

"Attention. His highness, Şehzade Mehmed is coming." The girls in the Harem stood in line watching us, glaring at me as we walk past the Harem. Seriously? What have I ever done to them.

Şehzade Selim and Sadika Hatun were already waiting for us when we came out.

"Şehzadem." I nodded to him and he smiled at me before getting on his horse and Mehmed also got on the horse next to Selim's. Sadika Hatun and I got into the carriage followed by some of the maids.

We chatted all the way to Hümaşah Sultan's palace. I came to know that she was from Greece and she was brought here in the palace thought slave trade. That's when I realized she was never mentioned in any of the books or articles.

"Sadika, what is your real birth name." I asked curiously.

"Rose." She answered before looking down sadly.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "What happened Sadika. I'm sorry I didn't knew you will get sad because of my question."

"No no. It's fine. It's not about that. I just missed my parents." She said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. I put my hand above her hand and I gave her a smile.

As soon as we reached, one of the guards opened the carriage door for us and I climbed out first.

Mehmed and Selim jumped off their horses before walking towards us. Şehzade Selim helped Sadika get off the carriage while Mehmed and I walked towards Hümaşah Sultan and Zülfikar pasha.

"Sultanam. Pasha." I bowed at them and Hümaşah Sultan smiled at me.

"Şehzadem. Andria Hatun." Zülfikar Pasha said as he bowed at Mehmed and nodded at me.

"Mehmedem." Hümaşah Sultan embraced Mehmed into her arms before kissing his forehead.

"Selim." She said as she did the same to Şehzade Selim.

"I hope you didn't have any trouble while coming here." Hümaşah Sultan said as she lead us inside.

"No, Sultanam." Sadika Hatun replied.

We all sat down on the down infront of a round table as the maids served us.

"Hümaşah, be alert." Şehzade Selim said as he sip on his wine. "Hafsa Sultan is up to something. I heard her mentioning your name to Davud pasha in the hallway while I was returning from Mehmed's chamber last night."

"That witch." I heard Mehmed curse under his breath.

Hümaşah Sultan nodded. "Don't worry Selim. She can't do anything to me when Zülfikar is with me."

She turn towards me with a worried expression. "You should also be alert, Andria."

I nodded.

"Anyway, enjoy your meal before it gets cold." Hümaşah Sultan said and we all started to dig in.

I smiled sadly at them as they laughed at something Zülfikar pasha said. If only they knew this is the last time they would be sitting and joking with Şehzade Selim.

"You have to stay here tonight." Hümaşah Sultan's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I glance at Mehmed who was already looking at me. "Sultanam."

"No. I don't want to hear any excuses. All of you are staying. End of discussion." She said and Zülfikar pasha chuckled at her.

"Hümaşah, Mehmed and Andria can stay. But I can't. I have some work with Hünkarım." Selim said as he gave Hümaşah Sultan an apologetic smile before standing up.

"But Selim." She frowned at Selim.

"Hümaşah, I promise I'll spend the night here after I come back." He Said as he helped Sadika to stand up. We all stood up.

If only he knew, this was his last moment with his siblings.

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