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We watch the sun rise as we sat on the on the couch in the balcony.

I closed my eyes, inhaling the fresh air as the wind blew my hair making it more messier than it was.

“Thank you for saving my life.” Mehmed said and I turn my head towards him. He was looking straight ahead staring at nothing.

I just nodded my head and turn my gaze back at the sky that was turning bright blue by now.

“What do you want? Ask anything you like.” He said and I rolled my eyes. Does he think I saved his life for money?

“I don't need anything, Mehmed.” I replied shaking my head.

The only thing I want is I want to go home but you can't give me that.

“When will you learn to not call me by name simply.” He said.

“Hmm. . . let me think. Never.” I said as I shot him and a smile and he rolled his eyes shaking his head. And I swear I saw a small smile forming on his lips.

Someone knock on the door interrupting our peaceful moment.

“Come in.” Mehmed said loud enough for the person on the other side to ear.

Sumbul agha came him and bowed his head. “Şehzadem.”

Mehmed ushered him to go on and he continued. “Sultan wants you to come to his chamber.”

Mehmed nodded his head before standing up. “Ok. I'll be there in a minute. You can go now.” He said and Sumbul bowed his head before going out.

“I have to go now. You can walk around the palace but try not to get into trouble. Sumbul agha will be with you.” He said looking at me and I nodded.


After he went out to met his father, the Sultan. I took bath and got into the olive green dress that was laid on his bed.

When I came out, Sumbul agha was waiting for me outside the chamber with a bored face.

“So. . . shall we?” I smirked at him and his scowl at me before walking away and I rolled my eyes at him before followed him.

“So, Sumbul agha tell me more about the sultan and Şehzade's.” I said as we walk side by side in the rose garden.

“The Sultan has two main women, the first one, Handan Sultan was the mother of two Şehzade and a Sultana. Hümaşah Sultan, Şehzade Selim and Şehzade Mehmed. She died when Şehzade Mehmed was only four.” He said and I nodded as I took in the information.

“And the second women, Hafsa Sultan is the mother of Two Sultana and a Şehzade. Ayşe Sultan, Fatma Sultan and Şehzade Orhan.”

Hafsa Sultan.

The woman whom Mehmed thinks send the assassins last night to kill him.

I remember reading about Sultan Mustafa having two wives but their name were never mentioned.

“Hümaşah Sultan is the eldest of all followed by Şehzade Selim and then Şehzade Mehmed and Fatma Sultan and Şehzade Orhan and at last Ayşe Sultan.”

“So are the Sultana's living here?” I asked and Sumbul nodded.

“Of course.” He replied getting lost in his own thoughts. “Handan Sultan was a very kind woman. She was loved by many.”

“Looks like you were really close to her.” I said and he nodded.

“Attention. Fatma Sultan is coming.” The door man shouted and Sumbul immediately bowed his head.

Three woman walked towards us, the middle one was by no doubt Fatma Sultan followed by her maids. She was wearing a pink dress with a matching tiara looking like an angel which she is. . . . according to the historians.

I bowed my head at her slightly. “Fatma Sultan.” She smiled at me.

“Are you new here? I have never seen you before.” She said before looking at Sumbul Agha.

“Sultanam, she is indeed new here. She was brought here by Şehzade Mehmed.” He said.

She nodded before turning towards me. “Ok. So, you are Şehzade Mehmed's concubine.”

“No, your grace. She is a free woman.” Sumbul said and Fatma sultan look confused. “Şehzade Mehmed saved her from drowning and brought her here.”

She nodded with a confused look before walking away.

As soon as she went away, the door man shouted again. “Attention. Şehzade Mehmed is coming.”

And again Sumbul bowed his head while I just stood like that.

He walked towards us with some guards trailing behind him. “So, you know how to show respect to others but you wouldn't to me?”

I scoffed at him.

“What are you doing here, Mehmed? Aren't you suppose to be with the Sultan?” I narrow-eyed him.

“I was.” He said before motioning Sumbul agha to leave and he left after bowing his head.

“Aghas, wait here.” He said to the guards before turning towards me. “How about we walk and talk?”

“Did Şehzade Mehmed ask me for a walk? Oh. I'm so honored.” I said in a fake excited tone while he gave me a bored expression.

“If your done with your drama, shall we?” He said and I rolled my eyes before nodding.

“We shall.”

We walked side by side while the guards stood there turning their back on us. “So, according to my father, Sultan Mustafa. You're no more a free woman. You're my concubine.” He said and I jumped away from him.

“What? How?Why?” I asked him more like ordered him.

“Because If a Şehzade wants something or someone he gets it no matter what it is. I found you and brought you here so your mine.” He said simply and I scowl at him.


“But I said no.” He cut me off. “I told him you are a free woman and when the time comes i'll let you go. When I'm totally sure you don't have any bad intentions towards us or our people i'll decide whether to keep you or let you go. Until then, your free.” He said and my scowl deepened.

“Mehmed, you know that I don't care about anything. I'm a free woman and i'll remain a free woman even if it cost my life. I, Andria is no one's slave.” I gritted out while he just look at me. “And most importantly, I didn't came here to kill you or your family or anything else. If I had to kill you, I could have done it last night but I didn't.”

He just kept on looking at me. “Time will tell whether you really are innocent or not. Until then, you'll stay with me.”

I scoffed at me. “I am. And no one can change that.”

“Innocent people don't kill.”

I turn my full body towards him. “Oh really? If defending myself and helping others or protecting them mean I'm not innocent than I don't ever wanna be one. And neither are you or the people here.”

“I never claimed to be one.”

“Whatever.” I replied.

We went quiet for a moment before he broke the silence.

“My sister, Hümaşah Sultan wants to meet you personally after she heard what you did last night. She invited us for the dinner at her palace.” He said as look around avoiding my gaze.

“She doesn't live here?” I asked..

He shook his head. “No. She's married. Her palace is not far from here though so she often comes here.”

“So, did she invited us only or?” I asked curiously.

He looked at me for a second before looking away. “Yes.”

Halime Sultan : The Time TravelerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz