Raising Baby Diary 2 (END)

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Probably because he was really afraid of his father's threat, the little phoenix Lu Yun, who was not even a year old, simply lived in the cliff of death and life. He didn't believe that his father could still slap him in front of his grandfather and grandmother!

Ji Yu's son's failure to go home made Ji Yu anxious, and after persuading Lu Qingjia several times to coax him back, he refused, so he had to come by himself.


Ji Yu came here with delicious food, the legendary Crimson Bead Insect, although Jiuzhongtian is out of supply this year, but if you really want to find Lu Qingjia, he is omnipotent most of the time, I really want to say he can do it Nothing, it's probably just one thing—

leave her.

Thinking of Lu Qingjia's serious expression that the only thing she can't do is this matter, Ji Yu's heart is filled with warm spring water, and the expression on her face looking at the crystallization of their love becomes more and more gentle.

Lu Yun raised his head, seeing her expression a little dazed.


He didn't turn into a human shape yet, and only spoke the Phoenix language. Ji Yu sat cross-legged beside him, put down the crimson beetle and said, "You eat."

After he finished speaking, he pulled out a scroll of jade slips and seriously began to identify what the moth had just said.

After looking around, I found that this foreign language is really too difficult. Although it is a bird language like English, the difficulty is not at the same level.

"I've decided." Ji Yu closed the jade slip and suddenly spoke loudly, terrifying the moth that was eating the crimson beetle.

Moth: Is this actually still something you don't want me to eat?

"Yun'er, start learning to speak human language today." Ji Yu's expression was serious, "You are so smart, you must be able to learn it soon, right?"

The moth let out a cry, but Ji Yu didn't understand it, just assumed he agreed: "Very good, then let's start learning it today."

Lu Yun: I cried, why do parents like to have high hopes for their children, and if they can't learn things themselves, their children must be gifted and able to get good grades?

But... in order to communicate normally with the queen mother, the little bird gritted her teeth and agreed.

Lu Yun suddenly jumped into Ji Yu's arms, Ji Yu hugged his hot son and said with a smile, "You are so good, even better than your father."

The son called: Of course, the most obedient and cutest person in the world is me, so I will ignore my father in the future, so violent, I am better.

Ji Yu couldn't understand the melodious cry, but her son's cry was so nice and rhythmic, she couldn't help kissing his face, it was fluffy and the feathers were extremely silky, Ji Yu felt the beauty of sucking a phoenix.

"Let's start." He hugged his son tightly with a smile, and Ji Yu taught him, "Come, read with me—mother."

The little phoenix opened his mouth and let out a strange cry that was close to a tweet.

Ji Yu was not discouraged, and taught him very patiently. The first and the younger stayed at the cliff of death and life for a long time. When Lu Qingjia came over, they were still learning enthusiastically.

Lu Qingjia didn't walk over, just stood not far away and watched this scene quietly. Ji Yu was holding a very small phoenix, and the soft light of the sun was shining on them. That scene made him feel a little complicated.

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