Chapter Twenty Five

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I look around as I see new surroundings. I adjust my eyes to see a certain girl beside me reading a book quietly and smiling at herself.

I croak my voice and suddenly she bolts up and seats next to me.

"Oh goodness your wake." She says.

"Wat...Water" I choke out the bit of last words to her and she brings me water and gives me.

I drink the look at her.

"Who are you? And where am I?" I asked

"Well I am Sarah, and your at my asshole of a Brother's  Mansion actually it's Liam's mansion. Sorry sometimes I just call him asshole cause he is one"  she says.

I look at her she doesn't look anything like Liam. Maybe it's her girlfriend.

She chuckles "I assure you I am not her girlfriend though I am their cousin by blood"

"I spoke out loud didn't I? I said

"Pretty much yeah" she smiles

Suddenly the doors open up and there stands Liam and Samuel. Samuel rush to my side and check me I push him away.

"I am doctor I know you don't like me and the feeling is mutual but you have me and you all you got so keep your bitchy attitude to yourself and let me help you" he spats out.

I look at him with pure anger. He stills come to me but I push him away again.

"Control your girl Liam" he yells

"I am my own self you asshole despite I want treatment I wouldn't have gotten treated by you with that attitude I did that with pure reflex if you could tell me nicely I wouldn't have been being a bitch now so get yourself together asshole cause I would rather die than be treated with a moron like you" I spat at him.

He looks at me then closes his eyes and opens again.

"Sorry can we get fresh start and leave the past behind" he says

I look at him then nod. He examines me careful and treats my wounds again.

"No more injuries and your body is healing itself guess you needed some rest" he says

"How long was I out?" I asked

"5 days" came the voice and I stood there frozen I was out for days.

"Leave" He says and I see everyone leaving the room. Only me and Liam remaining and the room looked small for me silence was only the conversation we had.

"I am not going to bite you princess" he says

"Nicknames really" I look at him.

"Well I see you weren't going to talk so I had to do it for you"he says

"" I didn't know what to ask but I wanted to know what happened.

"We don't know for sure I am trying to find out but for the time being I need you to be safe nobody knows your here and nobody knows Mr. Alonso had contact with me so they will assume your on your own or you dead" he shrugs off.

"I.... it's my fault" I looked away not wanting him to see my tears.

"No it's not they knew what they where getting into." He says

"I need to leave, I don't need another bloodshed cause of me" I stand up but only to be pushed down.

"I know what I am doing so sit down and listen to me. I need you to not be recognized by anyone meaning if you see anyone who you don't know I need you to either escape him or her or don't talk to him at all beside this is my house so the only one who has access to this house is Samuel and my cousin Victoria any other here is not allowed and nobody knows this place it's a secret place" he says

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Promise" He says then looks away.

He looks at me again and takes my hand. He shows me around the place and leads me to the kitchen I see Victoria and Samuel seated and arguing while watching some food recipe I smile at them and look at Liam who had his jaw clenched

"Still can't cook you both" he tells them

"Hey don't blame me I raised to be an assassin didn't have time to be this thing called cooking girl woman" says Victoria

"I can cook something up just get out of the kitchen" I said

Everyone looked shocked while I start cooking a simple pasta. after few minutes I finished the

I finished the pasta in time and set the table everyone looked at me.

"I used to be a mother so I learned to cook and take care of the house and everything" I shrug

I sensed silence in the room as I hear sounds of forks and plates and glass clicks

"Nope I am asking you said something that you used to be a mother?" Asked Samuel

"I ran away from my kid and the guy I loved plus they think I am dead so yeah that sums up everything" I shrug it off.

I looked up and see faces of pity written all on there faces except Liam he was busy with the food. I keep on eating with Victoria keeps talking something else.

Mind travels around how I am mixed up with this issues, I take my final plate and wash for the day and head back to bed.

I pass at the study room only to see Liam busy with paper works. I study him for few minutes that he doesn't notice me looking at him. He is attractive giving compliment on that.

"Take a picture it last longer" he speaks up he looks up and our eyes meet for a brief. I clear my throat and look away for a moment then enter the room.

"I....wanted to say thank you. You know for me staying" I said and looked away.

"Listen here princess I don't care about you. Just don't go on cause trouble to this my mafia got it" he spats out angrily at me

I clench my fist and looked at him

"Don't worry asshole I won't cause trouble for your life mafia I leave you alone"

He stands up and walks up to me I can feel his breathe on me as he stares at my eyes with pure rage.

"You can't fend for yourself out there so you stay here quiet little girl you are got it" he says

I look at him and don't say a thing. I raise my hand to slap him but it was caught in the midway

"Am not nice man as you think I am I will kill you without batting an eye" he says

"Kill me, I don't deserve to live anyways so you will be doing me a lot of favor"I screamed at him

He looks taken back by my words and looks at me.

"I have lost my daughter to another step woman the man I love is about to get married not to mention my father was killed or not killed can't know also Mr.Alonso and Chris died for me so KILL ME so i don't feel anything other than pain and guilt and do you know the worst part is ........I killed the one who betrayed me the most and guess who is it my own brother. My brother!" I screamed at him the last words.

I drop down to my knees and start crying heavily. I never told anyone what happened that day cause that's when I turned off everything and didn't feel anything other than pain.

Hey everyone guess who has finished her studies and is officially Graduate student at the big University in East Africa I am super happy thank God I made it 💪🏻❤️❤️

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