Chapter Six

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Aaron Smith
Well, now I am in the car with my little sister again. She is telling me all the five years I have missed. We laugh and smile at all the weird stuff she did.

We reach her house. She opens her car door and walks to the front door. I open up my door but I froze and don't know if she will accept me or not.

I am beside Eva, as the door opens revealing non-other than my daughter with her barbie doll in her hand.

"Aunt Eva" she screams for her.

Eva picks her up and kisses her and she just smiles. She goes down and runs to the door and slams the door to my face.

"Bella, why did you do that?"

"He hurt mommy," she tells her.

I felt a pang of hurt. I didn't mean to hurt her and that's sincerely true.

"That's why he's here to apologize Eva"

I hear the sound of the door opening she peeps and sees me. I mask my face with a smile and look at her.


I go down to her level and smile at her.

"I am sorry to princess"

She smiles she hugs me and I stood frozen in my place I don't know what to do. I hug her back and just embrace the feeling of my daughter in my arms.

She looks at me then runs away calling her mother. I walk inside to see my dad seated and smiling in my way.

"Hello old man"

"Who you calling old son?"

We both laugh he hugs me.

"It's good to have you back son"

He lets go of me and I smile at him. I know what I did what pathetic but I will fix each and everything I did the mistake did.

I hear the sound of someone coming turning seeing her standing there. She had a sunny flower dress her hair was down and it seems she was doing something cause she had gloves on.

"Am sorry forum... For yesterday"

She scoffs.

"Really now the big Smith apologies, why?"

"Cause I want to make it right and be a part of my daughter's life"

"Bullshit" she screams.

I chuckle something never changes she still has the temper and specific word for her temper.

"Please can we talk about this alone"

She huffs and leaves the place. I follow her and she led me to a garden area there's a bench so we take our seats.

"Listen, Sierra am sorry for yesterday. Am sorry for what happened 5 years ago also. I really didn't know about the articles cause at that time I was -"

I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I didn't want her pity. I would rather her hate me than making this hard for her.

She sighs.

" I have been told a glimpse of what happened five years ago, "she says.

I look up and see her staring somewhere else other than me.

" Why didn't you just tell me? "

" I... I... "

" Afraid? Do you think I would pity you or laugh at you or maybe abandon you? "

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