Chapter Twelve

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I wake up early morning so I can solve the problem that has occurred in New Zealand.

I trail kisses to my beloved one Sierra I hear her groans as she slowly opens her eyes.

I smile at her warmth smile.

"Your awake" she turns to me.

"Yes, I need to go out of the country for a while for business deals"

She nods her head the closes her eyes. I write a note and make sure she gets the memo. I open my penthouse to see guards around I turn to my trusted guard.

"Make sure there safe while I am away anything out of ordinary call me right away"

He nods. I leave the place and enter the call. The driver drives straight to the airport. The minute I land the airport the jet is already for take off.

I enter the jet and settle in well. I start looking for problems that has occurred in New Zealand. As soon as I land I head straight to the company branch and start the meeting.

After meeting I was exhausted, I went straight to my hotel and take some sleep. When I wake up I take my phone and look at the time and called the branch manager to finalize the problem.

I call Sierra but it enters straight to voicemail. I call my guard and he updates me to all the issues that Sierra has done and how may baby girl is okay and safe.

I hang up and went to straight to the branch and finalize everything. When I was done I called my jet and be on air to go back home.

I see a text from Sierra it's a picture of her and Bella smiling and saying they miss me. When I arrived at airport we leave. I take my sleep when I open my eyes I hear my pilot saying we are to arrive soon.

Soon I arrive I am swarmed by guards everywhere. When I enter to my car I see my trusted guard.

"Sir we need to go to the hospital"

"Why is that?" I close my eyes.

"It seems Miss Ryan fell from stairs and she has broken ribs and concussion"

This cause my eyes wide. The driver drives straight to the hospital when we arrive I ran out and went to the reception.

"Where is Miss Ryan's room?"

"Room 304 sir"

I ran to the room. When I arrive there I see my sister and Victor and my little Bella.

"Daddy" she runs to me. I hug her and look if she is hurt.

"Are you okay?" she nods her head. This causes me to hug her again.

I turn to see Victor and my sister. My sister hugs me and Victor pats my head. The doctor comes out of the room.

"Well She is lucky she just has ribs and concussion that's all"

"Have you checked all other vitals internal bleeding everything on her" I said.

"Yes we did and she has nothing. I recommend her that she takes care of herself well seems she was running from something that caused her to not watch where she is going"

Everyone was shocked at what the doctor said.

"What do you mean running from something?" said my sister.

"Well with her state seems she was running cause she came with no shoes on  and she has blisters and blood on her feet when we had her so either she was running from something or someone"

The doctor leaves the place which causes us silence. I punch the wall which I see my sister flinches and my little Bella to cry.

"Bella why don't we go see mummy" said my sister. Bella nods and goes inside.

"Calm down Aaron"

"How can? How can I calm down when my girl is in danger?"

"She is a lot stronger you know"

"I can't even think of how to protect my family"

"Your doing everything you can so don't blame yourself. For now lets just be with her"

I nod and we enter inside to see her smiling with Bella and my sister.

She turns to me and smiles at me. I hug her tight.

"Hey wildcat" I chuckle at our nicknames.

"Hey kitty"

"Bella why don't we go and let mommy talk to daddy"

She nods and jumps off the bed. She waves her hand to both of and gives us a flying kiss to both of us.

I look at Sierra and see she has bandages. She takes my head and makes me look at her.

"Am fine"

"What happened?"

"Well if I tell you, you will probably make me go home arrest" she chuckles.

"No time for jokes Sierra no tell me"

"Jeez calm down"

"Sierra please"

She sighs.

"I was been followed, I went to buy groceries and I didn't take the guards caused I told them to look after Bella once. When I was returning home kept glancing back and saw I figure following me so I ran. I didn't see where I was running so I was tackled in front which caused me to drop downstairs of going to the subway so I guess the people of the subway called the police right away "

When I looked at her I saw the fear on her but she tried masking it at. I hug her and she started crying.

I held her and not talking anything she cried so much. It broke my heart that someone was out to get her and I knew who exactly.

I made sure she sleeps before I leave the place. Victor was taking the shift so I left the hospital fast and went to one person that I am wanting to kill now.

As soon as I reach the door I tell the driver to drive off. I bang the door and she opens the door and there she is standing with a her glory. She smiles and just gestures me inside.

"What brings you here?"

"I need you to stop this nonsense"

"Am sorry what nonsense are we talking about here?"

"I know it was you who keeps Sierra be hurt over and over"

She looks shocked and looks at me again.

"I have no idea what your talking about?"

"Cut the crap mother I know it's you"

"Seriously son I don't know what your talking about"

I looked at and see that she was telling the truth.

"If it's not you who keeps doing this then who is?"

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