Chapter Eleven

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Aaron Smith
"I want more guards on her don't let her out of your site you hear me" I scream at the person and disconnect the phone.

I am stressed already I doubled my security on my girl and my baby. My own mother has crossed the limits she even threatened her just to get to me.

I look at the view and just ignore everything that has happened.

"Aaron Smith" came that one voice that gives me joy only this time she looked pissed.

I turn to see an angry Sierra Ryan holding her hands in her hips staring at me. She looked wonderful even though this morning I was singing to her how she looked beautiful but I still can't get enough of telling her.

"Why are there too many guards in my working place? Your scaring my customers away?"

"It's for you security sweetheart"

"Security my ass" she screams and I chuckle.

"Don't worry I tap that ass each day and every time babe" I wink at her.

She blushes away and shakes it off. I laugh at how her moods change like a lightning.

"No sex talks Mr."she points her finger at me.

" Should I do the sex talks at night when we ma-"

"Finish that sentence and you will be sleeping the couch" she grits her teeth telling me that.

I laugh and raise my hands


"Can't a man protect her girl from a maniac and puppet maniac" I raise my eyebrows.

"Have you seen the security outside my work place. It's like am the president wife's for crying out loud" she says

"You are far more than a President wife your a Queen and I need to protect you from imbecile"

"But babe don't you think your overreacting about this huh" she lowers her voice and looks at me.

I knew what she was doing and its not working on me. I turn around not seeing her.

I feel her hands on my waist and her head behind my back.

"Please babe how about just two security people that you trust" she started using her seductive voice.

I didn't want to give in so I was holding it in well.

"Huh! How about that.. You know you can keep your eyes on me here on the floor right"

"Sierra please" I turn and look at her.

And damn she kissed before I could even finish word. I carried her to my desk and start kissing her she moans to my touch and kisses.

"Two guards babe that's all" she says between kisses.

"Fuck fine" I take my phone and tell my trusted guy and he responds well.

I turn to see a smirking Sierra. She drops down on the table fixing herself up and the smiles at me.

"Good babe so I will see you at home" she turns.

Before she could leave I hold her hand that makes her turn around. Now I had the last smirk and looking at her.

"Where do you think your going?"

"Work.. I have tons of work"

"You woke up the beast and you think I will let you go out this building without getting a proper thank you I don't think so"

I take my phone and tell Kevin to take a break and cancel my meeting which was supposed to happen after 1 hour.

"Cmon babe don't be this way just one quickie you didn't have to cancel the entire meeting"

I laughed so hard.

"Who said anything about a quickie Miss?"

She gulps. I lock the door and start what she started.

We had an amazing time. We order food after we were done. Kevin rescheduled my meeting at 4. After our lunch together I went straight to the meeting to listen.

Everything was according to plan. Everything went smoothly and didn't have any complications.

When everyone was gone I remained in the boardroom finalizing everything before I go home.

The door opens revealing Mr. Victor and Chloe and my daughter Bella.

Bella runs to me. I keep a smile on my face seeing my daughter makes me happy each day and each time.

"Rey brought me ice cream and picked me up with Chloe dad"

I smile and nod at her adorableness. I love my daughter so much I spoil her with each and every thing she likes.

The kids run along leaving me and Mr. Victor

"So how is business life doing for you?"

"Horrible too much for me to handle here my head will explode"

He laughs at me.

"Relax once in a while. I take relaxation once in a while also"

I nod we both start talking about our lives. I treat him as father cause his old than me and my father and him a practically friends.

New thing I noticed about him he has a son who will take over his company some day. I had Bella so I don't know if she will major in business but I will let her chose that day when it comes.

We both bid our goodbyes and straight to home. Bella already fell asleep due to a lot of playing I thank Kevin that he fed them before starting having there fun on him.

My office now is full of picture drawing and glass coloring. Kevin said he will contact the dry cleaners I told him there's no need for that.

I put Bella to sleep and walk to the living room to see another sleeping beauty in our couch.

I take her and put her in our bed. I started working on the new project which I must see it. It's in New Zealand so I had to travel tomorrow.

I didn't want to leave my family behind and I know I can't ask her to drop everything and be just housewife.

I know she likes her job damn much. I respect her for that. I called my pilot and told him about tomorrow's plan and he gives me an assurance that he will be up and everything set.

I look at my girl one time before I drift of to sleep. I kiss her forehead and hug her as I sleep next to her.

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