Double Tap

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Hello everyone it time for the first OVA of the book. Lemon of course.


POV: You

Part 1.

I stand at the entrance to the IS academy campus by myself, looking at the destruction of what happens. The school is officially on winter break, since Friday was the last day of school before break. I stood there in a IS uniform that Alexis had for me as a spare. Its Sunday, everyone is doing their own thing and for me I just felt like walking around the school, reminiscing the events that happened Friday. I step foot into the campus and as I did, snow lightly started to fall from the sky. The dormitory had yellow caution tape all over at the entrances to get inside. I didn't realize how much damage the trophy explosion did until now while I am able to see it during the day.

"Holy shit, how much explosives were in that thing?" I question to myself.

The explosion took out almost a quarter of the dormitory building and the building isn't small. A good four to five room radius around where my room would off been is pretty much non existent now.

"The bomb must of used some sort of specialty compound in order for a explosion of this size and in such a small package" Silvia tells me.

"Yeah, special enough for me. Yay" I state sarcastically.

I walked away from the dormitory and continued on my grand tour of Friday's carnage. All over the campus, there were crators small and big, bullet holes scattered all around. I walked myself over to the beach that Madoka told me she had fought Ela on. The first thing that I noticed when I got there was the sand, charred in some sort of shape. I get a better look from a higher point of view and see the charred shape in the sand was that of a large 8 petal flower.

"That, is very strange" I say "Definitely not something you see everyday"

"According to my scans, the charred mark on the ground was made with Black Butterfly's laser cannons" Silvia tells me while showing me her scans on a hologram.

"Interesting, must of been one hell of an attack" I say.

"From the information that I have received about Black Butterfly, the pattern was created from a coordinated laser cannon attack called 'Rays of Light' that is from her DOA mode kit" Silvia tells me.

"Madoka sure went all out, she wasn't taking a lost as an answer"

{Time Skip}

It's been a couple hours of me walking around the IS academy. Right now I am walking through the hallway of the main building, passing empty classrooms. As I passed my classroom, I spotted someone inside. I peek through the door and I see Chifuyu at her teacher's desk doing some sort of paper work.

"Chifuyu?, What are you doing here?" I ask Chifuyu as I walked into the classroom.

"Doing paper work, it stresses me out being around those teenage girls all the time. I thought doing my work here would be better " Chifuyu replies as she stops her work.

"Stress? I know a way to relive some of that stress" I say with a smirk.

"Oh do you now~" Chifuyu says seductively.

Infinite Stratos:Ace (X Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant