My Sister

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter the girls decided to do a competition of who would please you the most since it was your birthday. After the birthday party you were walking back to your dorm and a girl who calls herself Madoka (L/n) stops you and tries to shoot you.


POV: You

Part 1.

Madoka pulls the trigger but before she could fully pull it I summoned Queen to block the bullet. It wouldn't off if people started waking up from the gunshot and looking at the commotion, but that's if anyone did hear it. I then summoned Heart and pointed it at her without hesitation with Queen in my left hand.

"Who are you really?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?" She questions "I'm your sister, Madoka (Y/n)"

"That's impossible" I tell her "I've never heard that name in all my life and you don't look familiar to me. Alexis has never spoken about me having a 2nd sister"

"I see" Madoka says with a twitch in her lip "I guess she brainwashed you to make you forget about me"

"Who is this 'She' you keep talking about?" I ask her.

"Our sister Alexis (L/n)" She tells me.

"Like I would believe a member of Phantom Task" I say "How would I know if your just saying what you've been saying just to get into my head"

"You wouldn't...." She says "But I guess you might never learn the truth because of the bitch" She shouts before pulling the trigger of her gun.

I put Queen in front of me to block the bullet from her gun. I look out from behind Queen and I didn't see Madoka in the light of the lamp any more. I look up and I see Madoka piloting SIlent Zephyrus in the sky. I looked at Madoka's half covered face and I see what look like a tear go down her face.

"Why did it have to end up this way?" I her Madoka ask herself before flying off into the distance.

I desummon Queen and Heart then I started waking. I just kept walking around in a loop on the stone path I was walking on trying to wrap my brain around this whole incident. I couldn't understand any of this like if madoka was really my sister then why do I not remember her and why come Alexis has never said anything about me having another sister.

"God damn it!" I shout "None of this makes any sense. I guess the only person that can explain this all is Alexis"

I then started walking from where I was to Alexis's office where I assumed she would be there. As I walked I had this sense of anger inside of me, wanting to know if this was all true why keep it from me. When I got to Alexis's office I saw her door partially open, through it I saw Alexis doing work at her desk. I knock on the door with the back of my hand as I opened the door and entered her office.

Alexis sees me and says "Hey (Y/n), what do you need?" she looks at my eyes and she senses that there is something wrong "What's wrong (Y/n)?" Alexis asks with worry in her voce.

"We need to talk" I tell her as I closed the door to her office and locked it.

"About what?"

"Do I have another sister?" I ask her.

She looked taken back by my question before responding "I don't know what your talking about. I'm your only sister"

"Not from what I've been told" I say "Now tell me, Do I have another sister yes or no?,And you better not lie to me" I shout with anger.

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