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Hello everyone it's time for the final chapter. Last chapter was about giving some love to our girl Ran.


POV: You

Part 1.

Today is a week from graduation, a Saturday to be exact, it's been a nice three years at the IS academy. Going to the IS academy changed my life. I have 11 wonderful girlfriends and have had some certainly unique experiences with a selected few women. It's been a wild ride that's for sure.

Right now, I'm back at my house making dinner, I had to start early as I was basically throwing a small party. Beef stew was the main dish and I required a massive pot of it. Us third years have the week off until the graduation ceremony. I was by myself for the time being as the girls were hanging out, most likely shopping. Alexis was out for an appointment and would be home soon. I'm cutting potatoes and putting them in water to soak, to remove excess starch. With my back to the front door I hear it open then close.

"So, how did it go Alexis?" I ask with my back turned away still.

I then hear excessive crying. I immediately turn around and I see Alexis with her back against the door bawling as she clutched her purse and rivers of tears flowed out of her eyes. Alexis was wearing some a simple black tank top that exposed some of her large breasts that you wouldn't see during school, she was also wearing jeans. I quickly throw off my apron and set the knife I was using down before rushing over to Alexis.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong Alexis?" I ask her as I kneeled in front of her.

As Alexis sobs, she tells me in a crying voice "I can't have children"

Her telling me this broke me inside, I've know for longest time,  even before we both moved to Japan, one thing she wanted to when she could was be a mother. She never told me the specific on why, but as I've grown up, I could put the pieces together and assume. The best thing I can come up with has something to do with being able to be a better mother then our mother.

"Why can't you have children?" I ask her as I took one of her hands and held onto it to comfort her.

"The doctor says that I have an extremely low egg count along with abnormal genes that will most likely make me miscarriage if I do happen to get pregnant" Alexis sobs.

"Jesus Christ.."

I pull her into a hug and Alexis cries with her head in my shoulder "Well get through this together okay, we can figure this out"

The both of us sat there holding each other. Alexis's cries slowly dwindled down to some whimpers. As this happened, it thought about options and things to cheer up. My mind kept going back to one thing and trying to reason myself with it. I then give in to myself and pulled us apart so I could look at Alexis, face to face.

"I'll do it with you" I tell her.

She gives me a confused look while whipping away som of the tears from her cheeks "What are you talking about (Y/n)?"

"I'm saying, I'll have sex with you and take your virginity" I state to her.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" She questions.

"Look, Alexis, I know that second to being a mother, you love me as more then just a brother. We talked briefly about this back when I was a first year. Now, even with how immoral a relationship between brother and sister is, I'm willing to do it once for you, as I hold your happiness higher then what's moral" I explained to her "I'll have a private conversation with the girls later about this. You could maybe get the rest of your eggs frozen and just maybe if possible, I'm willing to bear the consequences of being the father of one of those eggs"

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