France Has Been Taken

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Hello guys it's me again. So last chapter we had Rin transfer. How about another new student for you. Now let's get rollin


POV: You

Part 1.

It was after school and the sun had set already. Me and Houki were in our dorm I was on the computer and Houki was reading a magazine on her bed. Then Ms. Yamada comes in and says to us.

"Suprise It's moving day. We have made new arangements for you. Ms. Shinonino you will be moving to a different room"

"wait a minute does that mean I have to pack and move out right away" Houki argued back.

"Ohh yes I think that will be for the best. Plus with the situation of a young man and a young woman sharing the same room wouldn't be really comfortable for either you" Ms. Yamada said with a smile.

"W-well to be honest"

"Don't worry about me, Houki I'm self sufficient" I said to Houki.

"Ms. Yamado I want to change rooms now!" Houki yelled at Ms. Yamado.

"Ohh ok" Ms. Yamado was sort of lost for words. Houki got all of her stuff and went out the door slamming it. I just sat there confused.

"What did I do to make her angry now?" I asked my self.

So with that happening I decided to go to sleep. Then I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and opened it and saw Houki standing there.

"Did you forget something" I asked her.

"I came to broker terms" she said to me formaly.

"Why are you being so formal?"

"Regarding the tournament next month if I win" she kept stuttering trying to get her words out" YOU HAVE TO DATE ME!" She finally said yelling at me.

"Okayyyyy then. I will see you tomorrow in class Houko"

"Good night" she said then left.

I closed the door with a confused look on my face. I didn't understand what that was about then went to bed.

Part 2.

It was morning now and Me and Ichika were in class in before school started. I was hearing girls say things about me.

"Did you hear the rumor"

"What rumor?"

"The rumor of if you win the next tournament get to go on a date with (Y/n)"

I facepalmed listening to that conversation. I could see Cecilia and Houki talking to eachother. Thank god they weren't at each other's throats.

The bell rang for the start of class and Ms. Yamado had a announcement.

"Hello class we are about to meet yet another transfer student"

The class door opened and a boy walked in with blond hair that had a orange tint to it.

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