A Agité Nacht

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you met a girl named Chloe Chronicle, she just wanted to feel normal.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's shortly after my date with Chloe and I'm bringing her back to Tabane. She held my hand as we walked through the hallway that lead to Tabane's hideout.

"(Y/n), why do you try to protect everyone?" Chloe asks me out of the blue.

"Where did that question come from?" I ask.

"Well, Silvia says that everytime you get in a fight, it's because your trying to protect someone" Chloe tells me.

"I fight to protect everyone because I care. I don't want to anyone to get hurt let alone get killed" I replied.

"But aren't you afraid of death?" She questions.

"Being afraid to die is what someone needs to trade in to be able to protect people. For me, that trade is worth it. If I die knowing what I did protected everyone I could and saved as many people as I could, then I'll be happy" I say.

"I see, so you put everyone's life before your own life"

"Yup, that's how it is"

"So that's why you like helping people, like you did for me today" She says with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, seeing people smile makes me smile, just like right now" I say while smiling.

We then arrived at the door to Tabane's hide out. I opened the door and let Chloe in before walking in after her then I closed the door.

"Cho-chan, (Y/n)-kun, your back. So how did it go?" Tabane asked

"It went great Ms. Tabane, (Y/n) is such a nice person" Chloe replies.

Tabane grabs my right arm ans starts rubbing the side of her head against ir "Yeah, isn't he just the best"

"Yes, He is Ms. Tabane, He makes me happy"

"Thanks for the compliments"

Tabane let's go of my arm "(Y/n)-kun, I searched the internet for anything related to that organization you told me about. I, Tabane the Genius, couldn't even find a single speck of Phantom Task. They must have a really good hacker or they know how to be stelthy"

"Don you want me to try to search for them?"Chloe asks.

"I don't think that's a good idea. If you were able to find them, I wouldn't put it past them to have a virus on their server just waiting for someone to try to hack it" I explain.

"I understand" Chloe replies.

"Tabane, On your off time can you look for Phantom Task when you can?" I ask Tabane.

"Oki Doki"

"Are you leaving?" Chloe asks me.

"Yeah, it's kinda getting late. We walked back from the mall instead of taking the tram so we could spend a bit more time together" I say.

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