The British are Here

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Time for a new chapter for you guys. Last chapter you and Ichika got in to a school ment for girls, since to the world only girls can operate a IS unit. Except for you two.So it's still the first day of school, what could go wrong now?

Now let's get to the chapter.



Part 1.

Our break was over and Me and Ichika were back in the class room learning about the Core network of an IS. Ichika started to silently freak out while looking at the page in our textbooks. After Ms. Yamada finished her lecture on the page she asked.

"Now does anyone have any questions?"

She then walked over to Ichika saying.

"Mr. Orimura do you have any questions, because if you do just ask me I am your teacher after all"

Ichika then raised his hand.

"Ms. Yamada, I don't understand any of it" he said guiltfuly.

Then Chifuyu  walked towards him.

"Orimura did you read the reference manual before school started" she said sounding a little iritated.

"Umm are you talking about that big one" he said.

"Yeah the one that said "Required Reading" on it"

"Yeah but I kind of threw it away"

Ichika wrong answer I thought to my self while mentaly face palming. Chifuyu then hit him over the head with the clipboard she was holding. Ichika almost fell out of his seat from the hit.

"Ok then I'll get you a new copy and I will expect you to memorize it within a week" she said while walking away.

"That big book" he replied

"What did I say" she said while giving him a death glare. Ichika froze up and gave up.


{Time skip}

It was now recess time and I was just leaning back in my seat watching Ichika clicking his mechanical pencil. Then. Girl with Blond hair and blue eyes matching her head band walked up to Ichika saying.

 Girl with Blond hair and blue eyes matching her head band walked up to Ichika saying

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"may I have a moment of your time" she said. Then Ichika responded.


The girl looked suprised as if he was suppose to know who she was. Then she responded.

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