12 Hours With A Bunny

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was....quite eventful, sex with Chifuyu was something everyone had to see coming. But now your somewhere else and got taken by someone. Now without a further a due let's get in to the chapter.


POV: You

Part 1.

I was unconscious and I was siting down. I open my eyes and my eye lids felt heavy, I look around and I find my self in a room that with white walls. There was basic furniture in the room. There was a king size bed, a couch, a table for 2 with 2 chairs, a coffee table in front of the couch, the TV, and the chair I was sitting in. The bed was to the left of the couch if you were to sit in it, the table was to the right, and where I was sitting was next to the couch on the right. There was what looked like to me was a one way window next to the table looking inwards and there was a door next to it. I go to get but I couldn't, I look at my arms and I see that I was strapped to the chair, it was a wooden chair with leather straps on my arms and legs holding me to the chair.

"What the fuck is going on" I say to my self.

I then try to remember what I saw before I woke up. I remember the tranquilizer dart that had bunny ears on it.

"You have got to be kidding me Tabane, what happened to calling me" I say.

Then the door opens and I see Tabane in her usual outfit. She runs into the room and jumps on to my lap and shoves my head into her breasts while hugging me close.

"(Y/n)-kun you finally woke up" she says energeticly.

"Tabane.....I.....need......air" I say.

"Ohh yeah" she says and pulls my head out of her breasts.

"What happened to calling me?" I asked her while trying to stay calm.

"I couldn't wait for you to arrive when I called so I just took you" Tabane says with a smile.

"Seriously, so you kidnapped me." I ask her.

"Yes, I wanted to do some tests on/with you" she tells me.

"Okay then, for some reason I was thinking that you wanted to have sex with me" I say.

"Ohh we wont be doing that until later~" she tells me.

"Ohh okay, wait what!" I say freaking out a bit.

"Don't worry (Y/n)-kun it will be fun" she tells me.

I just look at her with nothing to say.
Tabane then leans in close and kisses me on the lips and I looked at her with wide eyes as she had her eyes closed. She then seperates and gets off my lap.

"I'll be right back (Y/n)-kun, we have 10 hours left with eachother" Tabane says then leaves the room.

I then sigh.

"I was knocked out for 2 hours?,Why do I always get my self into these predicaments. I'm going to get my self out of this chair so I can at least get comfortable. Can't get my self out of this one, a deal is a deal"

I look at the leather straps on the chair, I start moving arms rapidly and was able to undo the wrist straps. I bent down to undo the leg straps and got out of the chair. I stretch out my arms then sat on the couch. After a few minutes Tabane comes into the room and looks at me not suprised that I got out of the chair. She had a tray with some food on it, enough for the both of us.

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