The Black Knight

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Hello Everyone I'm back. Last chapter you met a guy named Jake from your past and you went to the Summer Festival to meet Houki and ended up having a raw lemon with her with out a condum. But lucky she was taking birth control.

Note:if you get confused along what's going on in this chapter read zeon25 infinite stratos story. This is only happening for this chapter and my plans will continue after this chapter.

Now let's head it this chapter.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was the next morning after the Summer Festival. Me, Charlotte, and Laura were walking on the beach near my house for a morning walk together. It was a bright ans sunny morning, it was only 8 o'clock in the morning. The birds were chirping from the trees that ran along the beach where it turned into grass.we were wearing some casual clothes. I listened to the ocean waves crash against the shore. But there was an unusual sound that I heard along with it, it sounded like the clinking of metal. I look towards the sound and see a familiar looking IS carrying a fully covered green IS. The three of us run towards the 2 IS units.

When we get to the IS units we see that a girl looking exactly like Charlotte in a exact copy of the Rafale-Revive Custom II carrying a very damaged completely suited green IS that with the face mask open revealing that it was Jake.

"It's Jake, and I'm going to guess his Charlotte from his dimension"

Charlotte was crying while carrying Jakes unconscious body.

"Charl can you go call up the other girls and Ichika and tell them to meet at my house and it's a emergency" I tell Charl.

She nods then gets about 20 feet away from us and starts to call everyone.

"Charlotte tell me what happened I say to Jakes Charlotte.

"W-we were on a date at the Summer Festival then we got attacked by this guy named Chris who was a complete version of Jake. Jake hit Chris's teleportation device and now where here" She explains while sobbing.

Laura then points something out "That means this Chris guy could be here also"

"Your right" I say then look at Charlotte "do you know how you can deactivate his armor and back into his body"

Charlotte just shakes her head.

"Did you try kissing him?" Laura asks.

"What!?" She yelps then starts to turn red.

"Makes sense you guys are dating" I say.

"I will try then" she says.

Charlotte puts Jake on the ground then deactivated her IS unit. She leans over Jakes head then brushes her hair out of her face. She leans down and kisses Jake on the lips. Some how it worked and Jake goes back to normal.

"Well that worked" I say then pick up Jake.

Jake was surprisingly average wait for a human his size even though he is a Cyborg .Charl then runs back to us.

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