Germany has Fallen

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Hello guys it's me meaning a new chapter. Last chapter Cecilia, Rin, and Laura got into a fight against each other having you and 'Charles' to intervene. In the end Rin and Cecilia ended up in the infirmary and You and 'Charles' became partners for the tournament. Now let's get into this chapter.


POV: You

Part 1.
Today was the tournament. Almost all the students that weren't participaring were watching in the bleachers. Me and 'Charles' were getting changed in the males section of the locker room. While I was shirt less with only my pants part of my IS suit on I notice some people there showing on the tv.

"Looks like they got some vip' to watch us today" I tell 'Charles'.

"Yeah, some of them are recruiters to watch the seniors and the others are here to see how much the sophomores have learned after a year of training" 'he' replies.

'Charles' then noticed that I don't have my top part on and blushes. Well 'he' is a she. I then put on my top part and say.

"I bet you your dessert tonight that at least 2 recruiters will come up to me after this is done because of how good I am" I then grin a little.

"Deal" she replies with a grin.

"She really wants my ice cream dosn't she" I thought.

"I wonder who Houki got paired up with. They said that of you didn't get a partner then they will draw them" I say a little worried.

"The only match we should work about is a match against Mrs. Bodewig"

"Yeah your right"

"Don't get to emotional out their. Out of the freshmen class she would be in the top 3. Under you of course"

"When do I get emotional" I say as a joke and give 'him' the most emotionless face I have.

"This is not a time for joking" 'Charles' says with a angry face.

"Charlotte your cute when your angry. And your accent makes it even cuter"

She just starts to shoot steam put of her ears with a red face.

"I said right now is not a time for joking"

"I wasn't joking" I said with a strait face.

"Fine then. But no more joking around"

"Yes mother" I then turned to the tv and we see who were going against "Well shit, we're going against Houki and Laura in the first round"

POV: Houki

I was looking at the tv in the girls section of the locker room and it then shows the match ups. It shows that I was teamed up with Laura and we were going against (Y/n) and Charles.

"What are they trying to do. That's the worst match up possable" I though looking at the tv.

POV: You

It was time for our match against Laura and Houki. We were standing near the middle of the main arena. Me and 'Charles' were on one side while Laura and Houki were on the other side. We had all of our IS units deployed. Houki was using my custom training Uchigane.

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