Phantom Task

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was very action packed with all of your girlfriends fighting eachother, and in the end of it you get dragged down into the locker room.


POV: You

Part 1.

After I was dragged down into the locker room from the ceiling I looked around the locker room. The locker room was mostly dark and only the central light was on and dimmed down, also I noticed that I'm not on the guys side of the locker room and I was on the girls side. I front of me was a woman with long hair with their back towards me.

"I just had to open my mouth didn't I?" I say to my self.

"Shhhh they won't find you in here" the woman says.

"I do not like the feeling of this situation, it feels like this woman is going to rape me"

I looked at the woman closer and noticed that she looked familiar and realized it was that woman from earlier who tried to sell me products for Silver Ace.

"Wait aren't you that Ms. Makigami from earlier?" I say.

"Yeah" she says extending the word "I thought I should use this opportunity to take your Silver Ace from you" She says while turning to face me whose still on the ground.

"Like hell I will let you take my IS" I tell her

"Just give it to me already!" She shouts while swinging her leg around and kicking me into a set of lockers.

My back hit the lockers and dented the lockers and then fell to the ground with my back laying against the lockers.

"What are you fucking super human? Who the hell are you really?" I question as I tried to get my breath back.

I looked at Reiko and she had a twisted, psychotic look on her face.

"Who am I you ask? Am a mysterious beauty desguised as a corporate business women" Reiko says as 6 mechanical spider looking legs bursts out of the back of her shirt like in some horror movie "Gosh aren't you lucky" she continued in her psychotic voice.

"I better take this bitch to the curb because I ain't into psychos like her"

"Silver Ace" I shout and Silver Ace deploys around me and puts me into a emergency IS suit.

"I've been waiting so long for you to summon that" Reiko shouts at me "Eat this"

She then has another arm come out and then fired a laser at me and I evade the shot.

"Woah not to shabby" Reiko says.

"Obviously your not Ms. Makigami from Iretsuki, so what gives" I say.

Reiko laughs a bit "I called my self Ms. Makigami as an alias because I had too, don't be too scared you little brat" Reiko says.

She then jumps back and she deploys a IS. It was dark red and yellow and looked like a spider.

"An IS huh, I finally get to destroy a custom model" I say.

"Arachne, you will find it's venom is rather potent" Reiko says "here's a little mouth full"

She then starts shooting many laser shots at me from different arms. I evade her shots as she tries to shoot me, creating dust clouds to form. I summon King as Reiko pushed over one of the sets of lockers..

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